SPEAKER PLACEMENT• As a general rule, bassresponse increases as asubwoofer is placed closerto a wall. Therefore, bassoutput is maximized whenthe subwoofer is placed in acorner.• It is also recommended thatthe subwoofer be positionedalong the same wall as thefront loudspeakers.Low-frequency sounds are nor-mally omnidirectional, meaningthe listener can’t tell where theyare generated from. However,frequencies between 75Hz and150Hz can be localized, espe-cially at higher volume levels.Positioning your subwoofer asrecommended will provide themost natural soundstage andimaging from your loudspeakersystem.Remember that these are justguidelines. Since every listeningroom is different, JBL stronglyrecommends experimentingwith the positioning of yoursubwoofer to obtain the mostpleasing results in your room.One technique that can helpyou find the ideal subwooferlocation is to temporarily placethe subwoofer near the mainlistening location. Then movearound the room and determinewhere you hear the mostpleasing bass performance.This would then be the ideallocation for the subwoofer.SPEAKER CONNECTIONWhen we designed the L8400P/230 powered subwoofer, ourgoal was to offer the user thebest possible performancecombined with the most flexi-ble and complete installationoptions. Please look over thefollowing three examples todetermine which descriptionbest matches your system andfollow the correspondinghookup instructions.To use the binding-postspeaker terminals with barewire, unscrew the collar untilthe hole through the centerpost is visible under the collar.Insert the bare end of the wirethrough the hole in the post,then screw the collar backdown until the connection istight. The holes in the centerof the collars are intended forbanana-type connectors. Tocomply with European CEcertification, these holes areblocked with plastic inserts atthe point of manufacture. Touse banana-type connectorsrequires the removal of theinserts. Do not remove theseinserts if you are using theproduct in an area covered bythe European CE certification.Speakers and electronicshave corresponding positive(+) and negative (–) terminals.It is important to connect bothspeakers identically: positive(+) on the speaker to positive(+) on the amplifier and nega-tive (–) on the speaker tonegative (–) on the amplifier.Wiring “out of phase” resultsin thin sound, weak bass anda poor stereo image.With the advent of multichan-nel surround sound systems,connecting all of the speakersin your system with the cor-rect polarity remains equallyimportant in order to preservethe proper ambience anddirectionality of the programmaterial.3THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING JBLFor more than 50 years, JBLhas been involved in everyaspect of music and filmrecording and reproduction,from live performances to therecordings you play in yourhome, car or office.We’re confident that the JBLsystem you have chosen willprovide every note of enjoy-ment that you expected – andthat when you think aboutpurchasing additional audioequipment for your home, caror office, you will once againchoose JBL.Please take a moment to regis-ter your product on our Website at www.jbl.com. Thisenables us to keep you postedon our latest advancements,and helps us to better under-stand our customers and buildproducts that meet their needsand expectations.JBL Consumer Products