4DOLBY PRO LOGIC* (NON-DIGITAL) – LINE LEVELUse this installation methodfor Dolby Pro Logic applica-tions (not Dolby Digital, DTSor other digital processing),where the receiver/processoris equipped with a subwooferoutput, or a volume-controlledpreamp (line-) level output:Use RCA-type interconnectsto connect the line-levelsubwoofer outputs on yourreceiver or amplifier to theline-level inputs on the sub-woofer. IMPORTANT: Makesure that the LFE/Normaltoggle switch ∞ is in the“Normal” position. This willactivate the subwoofer’s low-pass filter, protecting the sub-woofer from possible damageand enabling it to operate mostefficiently by reproducing onlythe low-frequency materialsthat it is best at handling.NOTE: If your receiver oramplifier only has one sub-woofer output jack, then youwill need to use a Y-connector(not included). Plug the maleend of the Y-connector intoyour receiver or amplifier’ssubwoofer output jack, andconnect each of the twofemale ends to separate RCA-type interconnects. Finally,plug the RCA-type intercon-nects into the line-level inputson the subwoofer.Connect each speaker tothe corresponding speakerterminals on your receiveror amplifier.Make sure your receiver orprocessor is correctly config-ured to indicate that the sub-woofer is “On.”Note for advanced users: Ifyour receiver/processor hasa built-in low-pass crossoverfilter for the subwoofer output,you may switch the LFE/Normal toggle switch to the“LFE” position to bypass thesubwoofer’s internalcrossover.Use this installation method forDolby Digital, DTS or other dig-ital surround processors:Use either the left or right line-level input jack for the Low-Frequency Effects channel; itdoesn’t matter which one youchoose.IMPORTANT: Make sure thatthe LFE/Normal toggle switch∞ is in the “LFE” position.This will bypass the sub-woofer’s normal low-passfilter, reducing the possibilityof signal degradation and moreaccurately reproducing theprogram materials. However, ifyour receiver is passing a full-range signal through its sub-woofer output, place the tog-gle switch in the “Normal”position, which will activatethe low-pass filter and protectthe subwoofer from possibledamage. Connect this jack tothe LFE output or subwooferoutput on your receiver oramplifier. Connect eachspeaker to the correspondingspeaker terminals on yourreceiver or amplifier.Make sure that you have con-figured your surround soundprocessor for “Subwoofer On.”Also, remember to configureyour receiver for 5.1-, 6.1- or7.1-channel operation asappropriate.DOLBY* DIGITAL OR DTS®(OR OTHER DIGITAL SURROUND MODE) CONNECTION