7) MORE ABOUT TILT ANGLES -- The bracket allows for +/-15 degrees of up or down tilt.Because of the height of the speaker(2Arrays+1Adapter), make sure there are no bulges on the wallas the end of the speaker may hit them at any angle within the -15° to +15° area.PRE- SET ANGLES and CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE ANGLE -- The bracket has through holesfor mounting angles of +/- 15 degrees in 5 degree increments. There is also a slot above the set ofholes for continuously variable adjustment. The pre-set angles are recommended for accurateaiming in 5 degree increments and the slot for any angle between 5 degree increments. Eithercan be utilized for setting the speaker’s tilt angle.PRX ONE-Install Adapter Bracket Kit Assembly & Bracket Installation Guide – Page 68) SET THE SWIVEL (PAN) ANGLE – Loosen the top and bottom bolts on the pivot. Adjust the side-to-side swivel (ie, pan) aiming angle of the speaker. Tighten the bolts securely.Maximum Swivel Angles before Wall Interference – The bracket swivels a full 90 degrees fromside-to-side. However, when mounting the PRX ONE onto a wall, the side-to-side swivel is limitedby the end of the speaker encountering the wall. The maximum swivel angle depends on the up/down tilt angle setting.9) SAFETY CABLE - Attach a safety cable (not included) to any of the 6 mm inserts on the back of thePRX ONE - INSTALL ADAPTER BRACKET KIT cabinet using one of the extra included M6*L9bolts or via an M6 forged shoulder steel eyebolt. Attach the other end of the cable to a secondaryattachment point on the wall.0° -5° -10° -15°+5° +10° +15°