6MOUNTING OPTIONSOn shelves. On the wall.Wall brackets are included.On optional stands.SATELLITES AND SURROUNDSPrepare the speaker wire asdescribed on page 8. Threadthe two conductors throughthe two holes in the standbracket. Make sure to pre-serve the proper polarity(+ and – connections) bythreading the positive con-ductor through the hole onthe left, and the negativeconductor through the holeon the right looking at thefront of the stand. Pushdown on the red speaker ter-minal and insert the bare endof the positive wire into thehole under the red cap.Release the cap, and tuggently on the wire to makesure that the connection issnug. Follow the same pro-cedure to connect the nega-tive wire to its terminal.Use the larger screw in theupper screw hole, and thesmaller screw in the lowerscrew hole.ATTACHING THE SHELF STAND TO THE SPEAKER+–Gently pull the slack out ofthe wire and screw the shelfstand onto the back of thespeaker in two places, asshown.