6English5.1-CHANNEL SYSTEMSSurround speakers should be placed in the side walls no closer to the screen than the first row of viewing chairs. Ifthere are two rows of chairs, these speakers should be placed between the two rows. Surround speakers should beplaced higher than the seating area, at least 2 feet above seated ear level (Figure 6).notes:Please consult your authorized JBL synthesis dealer for surround speakers’ product optionsMin. 2'-0"Figure 67.1-CHANNEL SYSTEMSIn a 7.1-channel system, two speakers are added for rear fill, in addition to the surround speakers in a 5.1-channelsystem. The two additional speakers are placed on or at the rear wall if used in-room. (Figure 7).L C RRIGHT SIDERIGHT REARLEFT SIDELEFT REARFigure 7