2.0ADVANCEDOPERATIONS2.1.6 Sibilant FilterThe Sibilant Filter reduces the potential “leakage” ofcinema dialogue from the Center channel into theAmbient Surround Channels. Engage it if you are havingthe sensation that the actors are talking off to the side ofyou or behind you.To activate this feature, press the button markedSIB FIL.2.1.7 Hi Freq. EQResearch conducted by LucasArts Entertainment showedthat movie soundtracks which have been mixed for alarge theater venue tend to sound overly bright whenplayed back in a room under about 15,000 cubic feet.This is due to the natural tendency for high frequencysound to be attenuated as it travels through the air. Sincethe distances in a large theater venue are long comparedto almost any home theater, this "HI FREQ EQ" can helprestore the natural balance.Not all sources will benefit from this additionalfrequency contouring. Therefore, we have provided abutton on your remote control which willactivate/deactivate the "HI FREQ EQ" to suit yourpreference.11