TROUBLESHOOTINGBelow you will find the most frequently asked questions that we get from our customers.Q: What is a valid Bluetooth Device Address (BDA) and where can I find it? Can I changethe BDA?A: Every Bluetooth device has a unique 48-bit Bluetooth Device Address, or BDA. This addresscannot be changed by the end-user. A device’s BDA is usually displayed in hexadecimal format.Therefore, if you see a BDA with 00:D0:B7:03:2E:9F, that is a valid BDA. You may find yourdevice’s BDA in the Hardware tab of your Configuration Panel.Q: I get an “X” mark on my Service icon. What does that mean?A: Icons for Services that are not available will have a red “X” mark. Services may be unavailablebecause the necessary hardware (such as the modem for Dial-up Networking) is not installed.Q: Windows can’t seem to detect my USB dongle device. What do I do?A: First, go to your Control Panel and select System. Then select Device Manager to see if theUSB dongle is enabled. If it’s not, simply unplug the USB dongle off its port and then plug it backin. If after doing this, Windows still cannot detect your device, unplug the USB dongle and re-install its software.Q: How do I use my USB dongle in such applications as wireless printing, activesynchronization with PDA, dial-up networking, network access, and file transfer?A: Details to these can be found in the Application Setup Guide, which is included in the USBdongle installation CD.Q: Why can’t I connect to a paired device?A: Paired devices are always displayed in My Bluetooth Places even if the remote device is outof connection range or is turned off. If you can’t connect to a paired device, verify that the remotemember of the pair is within radio range and powered up before you attempt to connect again.Q: I can’t discover services on an unpaired remote device. What is the problem?A: The remote device may not be powered up or may be out of range. To correct this problem,first verify that the remote device is turned on. If it is, make sure that the remote device is in‘Connectable’ mode and have provide services which you want. Open the BluetoothConfiguration Panel and select Accessibility tab. Also perform a Search for Devices todetermine if the device is within range.Q: The Dial-up Networking service does not start. Is this a problem?A: The Dial-up Networking service will never start unless a properly configured modem isattached to the server. (Please refer to the Application Setup Guide for details). What you can do: Verify that the modem is usable as a local device from the server. On the server, in the Bluetooth Configuration Panel, click the Local Services tab,and then double-click the Dial-up Networking service. Click the down arrow in the Modem field. Select the Startup checkbox and thenselect the modem that will be used to dial up. Click OK. Click OK to close the Bluetooth Configuration Panel.©2005 All rights reserved. 50