IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATIONREAD AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONSRead manufacturer’s safety information provided with all optional equipment.Warning — Risk of injury: Children, the elderly,and the infirm should not use the spa unless they aresupervised at all times. Infants should not be permittedin the spa at water temperatures over 100° F (38°C).Spa water temperature in excess of 104° F is notrecommended. High water temperatures in excess of104° F (40° C) and prolonged periods of use can raiseinternal human body temperature excessively and im-pair the body’s ability to regulate its internal tempera-ture.Pregnant women and people with heart circulatoryconditions, or diabetes, should consult their physiciansbefore using the spa at water temperatures over 100° F(38° C).Limit your initial use of the spa to 10-15 minutes.High body temperatures affect people differently; con-sult your physician about your safety and comfort beforeusing the spa.If your spa product does not have a thermometer,we recommend that you use a medical (clinical) typethermometer for an accurate measurement of spa watertemperatures. Other types of thermometer, generallyavailable, such as those used for swimming pools arenot sufficiently accurate to determine spa water tem-perature.Extra care should be taken when using the spa andconsuming alcoholic beverages. Alcohol, drugs, orcertain medications, such as tranquilizers, affect aperson’s ability to withstand high temperatures and mayproduce dangerous effects, including drowning. Per-sons using medication should consult with a physicianbefore using a spa.Danger -— Risk of injury: Do not remove the suctiongrille! It is a safety device and must always be in placeon the suction fitting to minimize the potential hazard ofhair entanglement or body entrapment.Keep body, hair, and clothing a minimum of 12inches away from suction fitting and skimmers at alltimes when the spa is operating. Hair longer thanshoulder length should be secured close to the head, ora bathing cap should be worn.Do not operate the spa if the suction cover is brokenor missing. Contact your Dealer for replacement coverif broken or missing.The wet surface of the spa is slippery. Use carewhen entering and exiting.DANGER — Risk of child drowning: Do not permitchildren to use this product unless they are closelysupervised. The use of a locked cover is highly recom-mended to prevent unattended access.DANGER — RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK: Wheninstalling and operating this electrical equipment, basicsafety precautions should always be adhered to includ-ing the following.Warning: A wire connector is provided at the electricalcabinet on this spa to connect a minimum No. 8 AWG(8.4 mm 2 ) solid copper conductor between this spa andany metal equipment, metal enclosures of electricalequipment, metal water pipe, or conduit within 5 feet (1.5m) of the spa.Do not use electrically connected devices such astelevision, radio, or stereo speakers, lights, cookingdevices, or telephones within 5 feet (1.5 m) of the spawhile the spa is being used. Lighting fixtures must not belocated directly above or within 5 feet (1.5 m) of the spa.If located within 10 feet (3.0 m) of the spa, they must beon a circuit protected by a GFCI (Ground Fault Inter-rupter Circuit).All fixed metal objects located within 5 feet of thespa, such as fence posts, railings, door frames, green-house structures, gutters, etc., must be attached to thebonding bar on the outside of the spa electrical cabinetusing #8 solid copper wire. With #8 solid copper wire,bond the spa to the house electrical panel or ap-proved local bond.The spa must be installed with adequate accessand water drainage system, refer to Installation Instruc-tions, to drain water away from electrical components.CAUTION: Do not turn power ON to the spa unless itis filled with water to the normal water level, which is tothe water level indicator mark on the skimmer frame.Activating the spa when there is an insufficient amountof water can damage the circulation pump and maycause a fire.DANGER — RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCKYour spa must be equipped with a GFCI at the MainElectrical Panel. At initial start-up and before each usethereafter with power ON, push the GFCI test button.The reset button should pop out. Push this button in toreset. If the interrupter fails to operate in this manner,there is a ground current flowing or a device malfunc-tioning, indicating the possibility of electrical shock.Turn off power and do not use the spa until thesource of the breakdown has been identified andcorrected.