7®CD510KAutomatically Store StationsStore a station:Ten numbered preset buttons store and recallstations for each band.Preset Station Number1. Select a band (ifneeded).2. Select a station.3.Hold a preset buttonfor two seconds.The preset stationnumber appears onthe display whenstation is saved.Recall a station:1. Select a band (if needed).2.Touch a preset button for lessthan two seconds to selectstored station.<2 secPreset StationsSelect ten strong stations and store them incurrent band.Scan stations stored in current band.Scan Stored Stations(Preset Scan)1. Select a band (if needed).2.Hold A.PS button formore than two seconds.The ten new stationsreplace stations alreadystored in that band.1. Select a band (if needed).2.Touch A.PS forless thantwo seconds. Radio pausesfor ten seconds at eachstation.Touch A.PS again tostop scanning when desiredstation is reached.<2 sec>2 sec>2 secorBandMEMCLR6 7 8 9 10SCN1 RPT2 3 RDM4PGM ET5 BNDSHIFTPWRMODESELSCN1MEMCLR6 7 8 9 10SCN1 RPT2 3 RDM4PGM ET5213CH 0++BNDSHIFTMEMCLR6 7 8 9 10SCN1 RPT2 3 RDM4PGM ET512CH 0++BNDA.PSSHIFT21BNDA.PSSHIFT21