20 5.906-510.0 Rev. 00 (12/10)The battery must be fully charged prior to the inspec-tion to obtain a reliable result.The following checks must then be made:The idle voltage provides a measure for the chargingstatus of a maintenance-free battery. If this value isbelow a certain limit, this indicates that the battery isnot charged.You can estimate the approximately available chargefrom the idle voltage.The idle voltage should reach at least the followinglimit values:6 V battery block ……….6.15 volts;12 volt battery block …12.30 VoltIf these values are not reached, the battery must becharged first.Caution: The battery terminals must be checked priorto the load test. The battery terminals must always beclean and tight. Switch the appliance on, start operating the suc-tion turbine and the cleaning head on an insensi-tive floor.Important: The consumers must run continuouslyduring this test.The load test can also be performed while the suc-tion turbine is turned on. Measure the battery voltage of each individual bat-tery block several times with the voltmeter/multim-eter and record it.Measure the current during the voltage measure-ment using the ammeter and record it. The battery block with the lowest battery voltagemust be replaced if it is outside the tolerance val-ues.See item "Limit value of battery voltage betweenthe individual battery blocks".If this procedure still does not indicate clearly thatthere is a faulty cell, the third measurement must beperformed after the second load test. Use a voltmeter / multimeter to measure andrecord the battery voltage of every individual bat-tery block. Measure the current using a clip-on ammeter dur-ing the voltage measurement and record it. Operate the appliance until the discharge end volt-age / the total discharge protection shuts the appli-ance off. Here, several measurements should beperformed and recorded.Result:In case of a problem, one or more battery blocks /battery cells will be significantly different from eachother so that the fault can be pinpointed withoutdoubt. With all measurements, the difference must notexceed the following voltage under load:Exide batteries:between the 6 volt battery blocks 0.1 voltsbetween the 12 volt battery blocks 0.2 voltHoppecke batteries:between the 6 volt battery blocks 0.2 voltsbetween the 12 volt battery blocks 0.4 voltMeasurement - idle voltage:Measure the idle voltage with charged battery withoutconsumers.6 Check the maintenance-free batter-ies6.1 1. Measurement - idle voltage12 volt batteryblock6 volt batteryblockCharge approx.> 12.80 Volt > 6.42 Volt 100 %> 12.55 Volt > 6.30 Volt 75 %> 12.32 Volt > 6.20 Volt 50 %> 12.18 Volt > 6.00 Volt 25 %< 12.00 Volt < 6.00 Volt totally dis-charged6.2 2. Measuring the battery under load6.3 3. Measuring the battery under load6.4 Limit value – battery voltage between theindividual battery blocks6.5 Battery measuring log - maintenance-freebatteryBatteryblock 1Batteryblock 2Batteryblock 3Batteryblock 4Batteryblock 5Batteryblock 6