– 8 Turn the regulation spindle in a clock-wise direction: Increase working pres-sure (MAX). Turn the regulation spindle in an anti-clockwise direction: Reduce workingpressure (MIN). Set thermostat to max. 98 °C. Set the operating pressure on the pumpunit to the maximum value. Set the working pressure and feedquantity by turning (steplessly) thepressure/quantity regulation mecha-nism at the hand spray gun (+/-). DangerWhen adjusting the pressure/quantity regu-lation, make sure that the screw connectionof the spray lance does not become loose.Note: For long term work with low pres-sure, set pressure at the pump unit.– For considerate treatment of the envi-ronment use detergent economically.– The detergent must be suitable for thesurface to be cleaned. With support of the detergent dosevalve set detergent concentration asdetermined by the manufacturer.Note: Recommended values at the controlpanel at maximum working pressure. Set pressure/temperature and deter-gent concentration according to the sur-face to be cleaned.Note: To prevent damage due to too muchpressure, always position high pressure rayfirst from a greater distance towards objectto be cleaned.– Loosen the dirt: Spray detergent economically and let itwork for 1...5 minutes but do not let itdry up.– Remove the dirt: Spray off loosened dirt with the highpressure jet.Removal of light contaminations and clearrinse, i.e.: Gardening tools, terrace, tools,etc. Set operating pressure according toneed.The appliance works in the most economi-cal temperature range.Note: The temperature can be regulatedup to 60 °C.We recommend the following cleaning tem-peratures:– Light contaminations30-50 °C– Contaminations containing protein, i.e.in the food processing industrymax. 60 °C– Vehicle cleaning, machine cleaning60-90 °C– De-preserve, contaminations contain-ing strong fat contents100-110 °C– De-frosting of surcharge substances,partially facade cleaningup to 140 °C DangerScalding danger! Set temperature regulator to desiredtemperature.Set working pressure and flow ratePressure/quantity regulation of thepump unitPressure/ quantity regulation at thehand spray gunOperation with detergentCleaningRecommended cleaning methodOperating with cold waterEco operationOperating with hot water/steamOperating with hot water30 EN