Operating instructions KM 100/100 R B / KM 100/100 R LPG English32Empty the swept materialcontainer! Wait until automatic filterdedusting is completed and thedust has settled before openingthe debris container andemptying it.! Pull out debris container! Empty the swept materialcontainer! Slide in and lock the debriscontainer! Then perform the sameoperations on the opposite debriscontainerUsage instructionsSafety instructions whensweepingWarning!— Never sweep up packing straps,wires or the like as this coulddamage the sweepingmechanism.— When the coarse-dirt flap isopen, the main brush can hurlstones or stone chips forwards.Make sure that nobody, noanimals or objects areendangered.Notes:! For optimum cleaning effect,match the driving speed to suitthe actual conditions.! During operation the debriscontainer should be emptied atregular intervals.! Lower the sweeping roller forsurface sweeping.! Lower the side broom forcleaning side edges.Sweeping dry ground! Close the bypass cover on leftbehind the seatSweeping damp or wetground! Open the bypass cover on leftbehind the seat— This protects the filter from dampDriving over obstaclesFixed obstacles of up to 50 mm inheight! Slowly and carefully drive overthem in the forward direction.Fixed obstacles over 50 mm inheight! May be driven-over only with asuitable ramp.DecommissioningPlease heed the following ifsweeper is not to be used for alengthy period:! Stand sweeper on a flat surface! Refuel and close fuel shut-offvalve (applies only toKM 100/100 R B)! Close gas cylinder valve andremove gas cylinder (applies onlyto KM 100/100 R LPG)! Store the gas cylinder incompliance with the safetyrequirement guidelines for LPG-powered vehicles (applies only toKM 100/100 R LPG)! Change the engine oil! Raise the sweep roller and sidebroom to prevent damage to thebristles! Turn ignition key to "0" andremove it! Unscrew spark plugs and pourapprox. . 3 cm³ oil into the sparkplug holes. Turn the engine a fewtimes without the spark plugs inplace. Screw in the spark plugs! Safeguard the sweeping machinefrom rolling away! Clean inside and outside ofsweeper! Turn off the machine on aprotected and dry place! Disconnect the batteries! Recharge the battery at intervalsof approx. 2 monthsTransportTransport instructionsWarning!When the machine is loaded thefreewheel lever must generally beengaged in its bottom position. Onlythen are the drive system and theparking brake operable.Uphill or downhill the machine mustalways be moved automotively.! Turn ignition key to "0" andremove it! Drain the tank (applies only toKM 100/100 R B)! Close gas cylinder valve andremove gas cylinder (applies onlyto KM 100/100 R LPG)! Store the gas cylinder incompliance with the safetyrequirement guidelines for LPG-powered vehicles (applies only toKM 100/100 R LPG)! Secure the machine with wedgeson the wheels! Secure the machine with stretchbelts or ropes