- 7Please observe the following warning noteswhen handling batteries: DangerRisk of explosion! Do not put tools or similaron the battery, i.e. on the terminal polesand cell connectors. DangerRisk of injury! Ensure that wounds nevercome into contact with lead. Always cleanyour hands after having worked with batter-ies. DangerRisk of fire and explosion!– Smoking and naked flames are strictlyprohibited.– Rooms where batteries are chargedmust have good ventilation becausehighly explosive gas is emitted duringcharging.– Batteries must not be stored outside. DANGERDanger of causticization!– Rinse thoroughly with lots of clear waterif acid gets into the eye or comes in con-tact with the skin.– Then consult a doctor immediately.– Wash off the acid If it comes in contactwith the clothes. WarningRegularly check the fluid level in acid-filledbatteries.– The acid in a fully charged battery has aspecific weight of 1.28 kg/l at a temper-ature of 20 °C.– The acid in a partially discharged bat-tery has a specific weight between 1.00and 1.28 kg/l.– The specific weight of the acid must beuniform in all cells. Unscrew all cell caps. Take a sample from each cell using theacid tester. Put the acid sample back into the samecell. Where fluid level is too low, top up cells tothe mark provided with distilled water. Charge battery. Screw in cell caps.We recommend the use of our batteriesand chargers; only then a claim under war-ranty exists.NOTICEWith the KM 105/100(110) R Bp pack thelow-maintenance batteries and the chargerare already installed.ATTENTIONOnly if you use the batteries and chargersrecommended by Kärcher, a claim underwarranty exists.NoteWhen using batteries of other manufactur-ers, the maximum battery dimensions mustbe observed.The appliance requires 4 single batterieswith 6 volt each.The available space (LxWxH) in the deviceis: 622 mm x 402 mm x 379 mmPlease follow these instructions if you areusing low-maintenance batteries:– It is necessary to conform to the maxi-mum battery dimensions.– When charging low-maintenance bat-teries, the left cover must be opened.– While charging maintenance-free bat-teries, follow the specifications of thebattery manufacturer. Open left cover. Remove the appliance cover. Insert batteries into the battery mount. WarningPay attention to correct poles. Connect pole terminal (red cable) topositive pole (+). Screw the connection lines onto thebatteries. Connect pole terminal to negative pole(-).NOTICEWhen removing the battery, make sure thatthe negative pole lead is disconnected first.Check that the battery pole and pole termi-nals are adequately protected with polegrease.NOTICECharge the batteries before commissioningthe appliance. DANGERRisk of injury! Comply with safety regulations on thehandling of batteries. Observe the di-rections provided by the manufacturerof the charger. DANGERRisk of injury! Only put the charger into operation ifthe mains connection is free of damage.A damaged mains connection must im-mediately be replaced by the manufac-turer, the customer service or a quali-fied person. DANGERRisk of injury! Charge the battery only with an appro-priate charger.NOTICEThe charger is controlled electronically andcompletes the charging process automati-cally. All functions of the device are auto-matically interrupted during the chargingprocess.NOTICEWhen the batteries are charged, first re-move the charger from the mains and thendisconnect it from the batteries.With the KM 105/100(110) R Bp pack thelow-maintenance batteries and the chargerare already installed.1 Retainers for mains connection (fold-ing)2 Mains cable with mains plug3 Connection for mains connection of thecharger4 Batteries Open left cover. Fold in retainers and remove mainsconnection. Insert the plug of the charger into thesocket.Notes regarding the batterySafety notes regarding the batteriesObserve the directions on thebattery, in the instructions foruse and in the vehicle operatinginstructions!Wear an eye shield!Keep away children from acidand batteries!Risk of explosion!Fire, sparks, open light, andsmoking not allowed!Danger of causticization!First aid!Warning note!Disposal!Do not throw the battery in thedustbin!Check and correct the fluid level of thebattery (only for low-maintenancebatteries)Recommended batteries, chargersUse of batteries and chargers of othermanufacturersMaximum battery dimensions (singlebattery)Installing and connecting the batteriesCharging battery(1) Charging process KM 105/100(110) RBp Pack1231411EN