30 English RC 3000For which type of floor coverings can I usethe robot?The robot can be used on all common surfaces,such as carpets and hard surfaces (tiles, parque-try, etc.). With respect to extremely deep-piledcarpets (> 20 mm), specific restrictions apply. Themoving sweeping edge is automatically adjustedto different floor coverings.Is it problematic to perform a cleaningunderneath pieces of furniture?No. Due to its compact and flat design the robotis able to clean underneath pieces of furniture,such as beds, sofas, and wardrobes.How does the robot transport theabsorbed dirt to the station?The robot is equipped with a dirt receptaclethat is regularly emptied by the station.How is the dirt absorbed in the station?In the station, the dirt is collected in a conven-tional filter bag (2 litres).The exchange intervals are flexible and are re-ported to the user in a timely manner by me-ans of a signal device on the display.How much dirt can the robot absorb?In case of a normal degree of soiling, the dirtreceptacle is sufficient for one hour of cleaning.If this should not be sufficient in the individualcase, the robot simply returns to the stationearlier, disposes of the dirt and carries on wor-king.How is the absorption of dirt in the robotperformed?The dirt is swept into the dirt receptacle ofthe robot by means of vacuum-supportedsweeping.Can the robot clean in the apartment /house without supervision?Yes, this is possible without any problems.The robot is an autonomous system and doesnot require any intervention. The dirt recepta-cle is emptied at the station.Frequently Asked QuestionsHow long does it take until the robot ischarged or operative?The charging time is between 15 and 60 minu-tes according to the charging state of the batterybefore the charging. In case of the initial operati-on, the robot certainly has the longest chargingtime.At which speed does the robot move?By default, the robot runs at 20 cm per se-cond. If it cleans very dirty spots, the speed isreduced by half to intensify the cleaning. Thesame applies to the final approach to the stati-on to allow the robot to precisely manoeuvrein.How many square meters can the robotclean within one hour?The robot can clean up to 15 qm per hour.Many spots, in particular the frequently usedpaths are cleaned repeatedly from different di-rections.How does the robot know when it mustreturn to the station?The robot returns to the station as soon as thebattery voltage has reached a specific level orif the dirt receptacle is full.How long does it take to empty the robotat the station?The process takes approximately 30 seconds.Where is the robot programmed? What doI have to pay attention to?The robot can only be turned on or off. Youcan select the cleaning duration at the stati-on. In addition, you can specify that the robotshould not leave the station after the next ap-proach to the station (parking function).According to which principle does therobot move?The robot moves through the room accordingto the random principle. If he bumps into anobstacle, it turns at any angle and then goesstraight until it bumps into the next obstacle.