16 KIB-TM-ZB-e-18125 Bluetooth (Option)Wireless data transmission over a short distance between devices is possible with thehelp of Bluetooth.Establish connection between KIB-TM and computer/mobile phone. To that end enterthe following:• Password: 0000 (alternatively 1234)• Name: HC-06The menu items shown below must be set in KIB-TM Menu item "P9 Prt" "oPt" "intF" "Bt" Menu item "P9 Prt" "oPt" "ModE" "Count"Among other things Balance Connection can be used to process data. The Bluetooth interface is not IOS-capable! KIB-A04 supports Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) (incompatible withold Bluetooth versions).6 Alibi memory (optional)For balances with obligatory verification, which are evaluated and processed by aconnected PC, the verification law prescribes in the interest of consumer protectionelectronic storage for all weighings liable to verification in the form of a verifiable datastorage device that cannot be manipulated. Alibi memories by KERN meet thisrequirement.This is used for paperless storage of weighing results.All data transmitted to the PC will be saved including date, time and all the importantweighing values. These saved data records are available for viewing on the weighingbalance at any time.Data that can be transmitted include:• Number of measurement• Date of measurement• Time of measurement• Gross weight• Tare value• Net weight• Weighing unit