MLB50-3-BA-defsi-0310 5110 RS232 serial interfaceThe balance can be operated with a printer that is connected to the RS-232 inter-face. The final results can be printed off in English or German. Language selection isdescribed in chapter 10.2.Type of data transferThe baud rate and parity of the balance must be concordant with those of the periph-eral device in order to guarantee data transfer from the balance to the peripheral de-vice by means of the RS232 interface.The balance interface parameters are:4800 baud8 data bitno parity1 stop bitno handshakingPin assignment of the balance output plug socket (front view)5 19 6Pin 3: Receive dataPin 5: Signal groundno handshaking10.1 Print formatThe print format (print-out) is also in “g” when in weighing format.When in drying format the value displayed on the display screen is transmitted via theinterface as “%“. The print-out is also in “%” format.A) Display format in weighing modeA value can be transmitted via the RS-232 interface during weighing procedure bypressing the key.The format of this signal The current weight is displayed.B) Display format in test modeThe results are transmitted via the RS-232 interface according to the set time inter-vals during the test procedure (chapter 8.5 time interval of the ”Strob“ data query).The format of this signal is:xxx.xx % xxx.xx The current result is displayed.