4 Playing back the songThisfunctionenablesyoutoselectandplaybackasongyouwanttohear fromalloftherecorded songs.ThefollowingexplainsthecasewhereasonghasbeenrecordedinalloftheareasSONG1to5.Step 1}PresstheSONGswitchwherethesongyouwanttohear hasbeenrecorded,atthesametimeholdingdownthePLAY/STOPswitch.SONG SONG SONG SONG SONG PART PARTJAZZ FULL HARPSI- VIBRA-PIANO 1 PIANO 2- E.PIANO ORGAN ORGAN CHORD PHONE PLAY/STOP RECe e e e- e e ° ° °Ee Sa EI Ea ‘ ee) |Wee es While holding downthis switchFor example, pressing the JAZZ ORGAN (SONG 4) switch will flash the LED toshow that SONG 4 is selected.Releasing both switches will play back SONG 4.Relationship between the SONG status and its corresponding LEDSONG SONG SONG SONG1FULL HARPSI- VIBRA-PIANO 1 PIANO 2- E PIANO ORGAN ORGAN CHORD PHONE PLAY/STOP RECe e JO: ° ° °While holding downthis switchIn the case above,SONG 1, 2 (LED lights) Area in which the song has been recorded.SONG 3 (LED flashes) Area whose stored song will play back soon.SONG 4, 5 (LED turns off) ..Area in which a song is not recorded.PART 1 and 2 LEDs indicate the part status of the song being selected(SONG 3).PART 1 (LED lights (flashes)) ..Part of the SONG 3 which will be playedback (or recorded) soon.PART2 (LED turns off) Part of the song that has not beenrecorded or played back. (See p. 14 - 16.)13