AdvancedFeaturesi Programming ModeTheprogrammingmodeallowsyoutochangethekeyboard'stuning,andtemperament,andutilizethevari-ousMIDIcapabilities.Theseprogrammingfunctionsareperformedusingthepanel switchesand keyboard,Sopleasetrythemafterreadingandunderstandingtheprogramminginstructionscompletely.A. Entering the programming modePress the VIBRAPHONE switch.HoldingdowntheVIBRAPHONEswitch,pressthefirstthreetone selectorswitches(PIANO1,PIANO2,andE.PIANO).~~ Nee.-©- ° ° ° ° -©-en ce aa | | vrFULL HARPSI- VIBRA-PIANO 1 PIANO 2 E.PIANO) ORGAN ORGAN CHORD PHONE=The LEDs above the VIBRAPHONE and PIANO 1 switches should then startflashing to indicate that the piano is in the programming mode.In this mode, striking the keyboard produces no sound.Press a TONE SELECTOR switch to select the desired programming mode.The correspondence between switches and 6 types of programming mode is asbelow.FULL HARPSI- VIBRA- METRONOMEPIANO 1 PIANO 2 E.PIANO ORGAN ORGAN CHORD PHONEL_ Setting aL_ Temperament metronomevolumeTuningLOCAL CONTROL on/offON/OFF for each MULT! TIMBRE channelSetting MIDI channelMULTI TIMBRE mode on/offSending a program numberSending MIDI exclusive data (panel switches stat-uses) ON/OFF18