4A7 MIG Gun 500-g©Kemppi Oy 2016 1616OPERATING MANUAL3. IDENTIFICATIONThe welding gun system Kemppi A7 MIG Gun 500-g is usedin industry and in the trade for welding using inert gases(MIG) or active gases (MAG). This model is gas-cooledand can be used in all welding positions. These operatinginstructions describe only the welding gun system A7 MIGGun 500-g. The welding gun system may only be operatedas supplied or with authentic Kemppi spare parts.Figure 1: Kemppi A7 MIG Gun 500-g4. CE MARKINGThis device fulfils the requirements of the following EUdirectives:• The Machinery Directive, 2006/42/EC• The EMC Directive, 2004/108/EC• The RoHS Directive, 2011/65/EU5. SAFETYRead and follow the additional safety instructionsenclosed.5.1 Designated useThe gas-cooled welding gun system A7 MIG Gun 500-g must be used for robot and automatic application asdescribed in this manual. Designated use also includescomplying with the prescribed operation, maintenance,and servicing conditions.Any use other than that described under “Designated use”is considered contrary to the intended use.Unauthorized conversions or power-increasing modifi-cations are not allowed.The warranty does not cover wear parts and damage dueto overloading or improper use.5.2 Responsibilities of the user• Keep the operating instructions within easy reachin the location of the device for reference, andinclude the operating instructions when handingover the product.• Installation, operation, and maintenance workmay only be carried out by qualified personnel.Qualified personnel are persons who, on accountof their special training, knowledge, experience,and familiarity with the relevant standards, areable to assess the tasks assigned to them andidentify possible dangers.• Keep all other persons out of the work area.• Follow the accident prevention regulations of therelevant country.• Ensure good lighting of the work area, and keepthe area clean.• Observe the following standards and guidelinesin particular:• 89/391/EEC: Directive on the introductionof measures to encourage improvements inthe safety and health of workers at work• 2009/104/EC: Directive concerning theminimum safety and health requirementsfor the use of work equipment by workersat work• 2004/108/EC: Directive on theharmonization of the laws of the MemberStates relating to electromagneticcompatibility The occupational health andsafety regulations of the country in question• Regulations on occupational safety andaccident prevention5.3 Personal protective equipmentTo avoid danger to the user, using personal protectiveequipment (PPE) is recommended in these instructions.PPE consists of the following:• Protective clothing• Safety goggles• A class-P3 respiratory mask• Gloves• Safety shoes