ENDo not exceed the maximum allowable load of suspension beams or the transportation•trolley of welding equipment. It is recommended that the wire coil be removed duringlifting or transportation.environmentWelding equipment is not recommended for use in rain or snow - see manual. Protect•the equipment against rain and strong sunlight. Always store the machine in a dry andclean space.Protect the machine from sand and dust during use and in storage. The recommended•operating temperature range is -20 to +40 °C. The machine’s operation efficiencydecreases and it becomes more prone to damage if used in temperatures in excess of40 °C.Place the machine so that it is not exposed to hot surfaces, sparks or spatter.•Make sure the airflow to and from the machine is unrestricted.•EMC classification of this product is class A in accordance with electromagnetic•compatibility standards CISPR 11 and IEC 60974-10, and therefore the product isdesigned to be used in an industrial environment only.WARNING: This class A equipment is not intended for use in residential locations where theelectrical power is provided by a public low-voltage supply system. In those locations it maybe difficult to ensure the electromagnetic compatibility due to conducted and radiateddisturbances.Arc welding equipments cause electromagnetic disturbance. To minimize the harmful•effects, strictly use the equipment according to the operating manual and otherrecommendations.gas bottles and pneumatic devicesAdhere to the instructions for handling pneumatic devices and gas bottles.•Make sure that gas bottles are used and stored in properly ventilated spaces.•A leaking gas bottle may replace the breathable air, causing suffocation.•Before use, make sure that the gas bottle contains gas suitable for the intended welding•purpose.Always fix the gas bottle securely in an upright position, against a bottle wall rack or•purpose-made bottle cart.Never move a gas bottle when the regulator or flow adjuster is in place. Replace the•valve cover during transportation. Close the bottle valve after use.Circuit diagram and spare part listsIf the circuit diagram and the spare parts list are not included in delivery package, pleaseinquire for them at your local Kemppi service representative. For more information, please visitwww.kemppi.com.disclaimerWhile every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this guideis accurate and complete, no liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions. Kemppireserves the right to change the specification of the product described at any time withoutprior notice. Do not copy, record, reproduce or transmit the contents of this guide withoutprior permission from Kemppi.5FastMig KMS 400 AS / © Kemppi Oy / 1021