KEMPPI PRO EVOLUTION, MXE / 0547 – 17© KEMPPI OYName indisplayMIG/MAG1-MIGPulsedMIGFactoryvalueExplanationPre gas time 0-9.9 s PrEGAS X X X 0 Gas flow before welding, workswith 2TPost gas time 0-9.9 s POStGAS X X X 1.0 Gas flow after weldingCreep start 10-99% CrEEP S X X X 50% % of wire feed speedHot start-50…0…+70%HOt-StA X X 40% % of welding power, -50% is coldand +70% is hotHot start 2T (*0....9,9 sHot-2tt X X 1.2 s Adjustment of Hot start timewith 2TSpot welding (**0.0 ... 9.9 sSPOt-2t X X 0.0 s Spot welding in use, when Hotstart is selected and SPOt-2t is0.1 ... 9.9 s. Welding power issame as Hot start`s.Creep start upslope0…99UPSLOPE X X X 0 Rising time to welding power,1 is shorter, 99 is longerCrater filling1…99CrAtErF X X 15 Fall time to crater slope,1 is shorter, 99 is longerCrater slope0…99%CrAtESL X X 0 End level of welding power,1%min current, 99% max currentStart current–9…0…+9StArt C X X X 0 Length of start pulseTop current–10…+15%top-Cur X 0 MXE-function, adjustment ofpulse currentPost current time–99…0…+99POStCUr X X X 0 Length of wire after stop weldinge.g. Al <0, Fe > 0Control range of arclength –50…0…99%ArCLEnG X X 0 Expands arc length range (knob)Douple pulseamplitude0,1 ...2,5m/mindPULS-A X 1,5 m/min Wire feed variation in douplepulseDouple pulsefrequency0,1 ... 3,0 HzdPULS-F X 2 Hz Frequency variation in douplepulseCalibration voltage0…9.9 VCAL X X 1.4 1.4 is for general use, position ofarc length range can be movedwithin 0…9.9VRestoring of factorysettingsrEStOrEFAC ALLX X X Restores factory settings to Userparametres(* Since Promig program version 0A5(** Since Promig program version 0A6