t DUST CUP EMPTYING,WARNINGAlways unplug power cord fromelectrical outlet before performing anyservice on vacuum cleaner,,TO REMOVE DUST CUPLift dust cuphandle !ocatedat the top of thedust cup°Putl the handleup and lift dustcup up and outof the vacuumcleaner.DustCup _Re/ease _'_ _Handle I _..iFillerSuctionRemove anyclogs that mightbe located in thesuction port orfilter port area,TO EMPTY DUST CUPI. Rotate dustcup handle tothe verticalposition,,2. Hold dustcup over atrash container.3< Press thedust cup doorrelease buttondownward torelease thedoor.The door willswing openand the debris--_Dusf Cllpi11 Door/_ ! ReleaseButton/_.,,,._"_'-Dust Cup/ _ EmptyingDoorwill fall into the trash container.4. Shake the dust cup to release anydebris that might hang in the pre-filtero5. After the dustcup is empty ofdebris_ firmlyclose the door.Make sure youhear a "click"sound to indlcatethat the door isfully latched°Door DoorLatchTO REPLACE DUST CUPPlace dust cup backinto vacuum cleanerby inserting thebottom first andtilting back with thedust cup handleraised.[_ "_ Lower the! dust cuphandle tolock dust cup_'_ in place,A noticeable[ "click" shouldbe heard,17