Man-1078_Sigma_CP_22Page 19 of 24Once the required configuration options have been set, the Write enable switch must be returned to itsnormal position to the right. The General fault indicator will remain lit if the Write enable switch is not turnedoff.17B18. Watchdog reset switchIf for any reason the microprocessor in the control panel fails to carry out its operation correctly it willattempt to restart itself. This process is called a “watchdog” and the control panel must record and indicatethese events.If a watchdog event occurs, the control panel will show the FAULT and SYSTEM FAULT LEDs on the frontpanel, the CPU fault LED inside the panel.This fault can only be cleared by pressing the WATCHDOG RESET button on the PCB inside the controlpanel. The control panel buzzer can not be silenced and will continue to sound until the watchdog activationis reset.1819. Processor reset switchOnce started, the microprocessor controlling the panel should continue to run continuously withoutinterruption. If the microprocessor fails to run correctly it can be reset by pressing the PROCESSOR RESETbutton on the PCB inside the control panel.This should not normally be necessary but should be done as a matter of course if the system is behavingabnormally. The system should resume normal operation within a couple of seconds of pressing theprocessor reset button.19B20. Internal indications – troubleshootingTo assist in identifying fault conditions which are not detailed on the front of the control panel, a number ofinternal indicators are visible with the front cover removed as follows:39B20.1 Mains failIndicates that the 230V AC supply is not present and the system is running on standby batteries.If there is not a power cut, check the panels mains fuse.40B20.2 Batt failIndicates that the standby battery has become disconnected or that the charging circuit of the control panelhas a high resistance or has failed. Check that both batteries are connected and linked together. Testbattery. Disconnect battery and ensure that 28 Volts can be measured on battery charger leads.41B20.3 CPU faultIndicates that the central processor unit has failed to correctly execute code and has been re-started by thesystem watchdog. The watchdog reset switch must be pressed to clear the CPU fault condition.Press watchdog reset. If system does not return to normal then the panel is probably damaged and needsthe circuit board replacing. (See maintenance section).42B20.4 Aux 24V faultThe Aux 24V and R0V terminals provide a 500 milliamp, 24V DC power supply for power fire alarm ancillaryequipment. This LED indicates that fuse protecting the R0V output has operated and the rating of this outputhas been exceeded. The fuse is a self resetting type and the supply will resume when the fault condition isremoved.43B20.5 Batt lowIlluminates when the system is running on batteries and the battery voltage is lower than 21V +/-2% (theminimum battery voltage).44B20.6 Earth faultIndicates that part of the system wiring is connected to earth. Remove all system wiring and re-connectcables one at a time until the earth fault returns. This will indicate which cable the earth fault is present on.