nector plug must be disconnected while the batteryis being charged.When the battery is almost fully charged, theC H A R G E lamp becomes dim and finally goes off.Continue charging for about 2 hours, then thebattery will have been fully charged.MOUNTING OF HOODThe supplied hood can be mounted on the os-cilloscope as shown in Fig. 4.A P P L I C A T I O N SD U A L - T R A C E A P P L I C A T I O N SIntroduction:The most obvious and yet the most useful featureof the dual-trace oscilloscope is that it has thec a p a b i l i t y for simultaneously viewing t w owaveforms that are frequency- or phase-related, orthat have a common synchronizing voltage, such asin digital circuitry. Simultaneous viewing of inputand its output is an inbaluable aid to the circuitdesigner or the repairman. Several possibleapplications of the dual-trace oscilloscope will bereviewed in detail to familiarize the user further inthe basic operation of this oscilloscope.Frequency Divider Waveforms Viewing:Fig. 5 illustrates the waveform involved in a basicdivide-by-two circuit. Fig. A indicates thereference or clock pulse train. Fig. B and Fig. C in-dicate the possible outputs of the divide-by-two cir-cuitry. Fig. 5 also indicates the settings of specificoscilloscope controls for viewing these waveforms.In addition to these basic control settings, theT R I G G E R I N G L E V E L control, as well as theChannel 1 and Channel 2 vertical position controlsshould be set as required to produce suitable dis-plays. In the drawing of Fig. 5 the waveformlevels of 2 div are indicated. If exact voltagemeasurements of Channel 1 and Channel 2 aredesired, the Channel 1 and Channel 2 V A R I A B L Econtrols must be placed in the C A L position. TheChannel 2 waveform may be either that indicatedin Fig. 5 B or Fig. 5 C . In Fig. 5 C , the divide-by-two output waveform is shown for the case wherethe output circuitry responds to negative-goingFig. 5 Waveforms in divide-by-two circuit.9H O O DB E Z E LI N S E R T C L A W S I N T O4 H O L E SFig. 4 Mounting of HoodC H 1A . R E F E R E N C E F R E Q U E N C Y P U L S ET R A I N ( 1 0 0 0 P U L S E S P E R S E C O N D )L E A D I N G E D G E S M A Y N O T B EV I S I B L E A T F A S T S W E E P R A T E SC H 2B. D I V I D E - B Y - T W O O U T PUT S Y N C H R O N I Z E D TOL E A D I N G E D G E O F R E F E R E N C E P U L S EC H 2C . D I V I D E - B Y - T W O O U T P U T S Y N C H R O N I Z E D TOT R A I L I N G E D G E O F R E F E R E N C E P U L S E