a leading direction. F i g . 3 5 indicates a 10° phaseshift in a low frequency component in a laggingdirection. The tilts are opposite in the two casesbecause of the difference in polarity of the phaseangle in the two cases a s can be checked throughalgebraic addition of components.Fig. 3 6 indicates low-frequency components whichhave been reduced in amplitude and shifted inphase. It will be noted that these examples oflow-frequency distortion are characterize bychange in shape of the flat top portion of the squarewave.F i g . 3 1 B previously d i s c u s s e d , revealed ahigh-frequency overshoot produced by risingamplifier response at the higher frequencies. Itshould again be noted that this overshoot makesitself evident at the top of the leading edge of thesquare wave. This characteristic relationship is ex-plained by remembering that in a normalwell-shaped square w a v e , the sharp rise of theleading edge is created by the summation of aFig. 3 3 S q u a r e w a v e tilt resulting from 3rdharmonic phase shiftpractically infinite number of harmonic com-ponents. If an abnormal rise in amplifier responseoccurs at gigh frequencies, the high frequencycomponents in the square wave will be amplifieddisproprotionately greater than other componentscreating a higher algebraic sum along the leadingedge.Fig. 3 5 Tilt resulting from a phase shift offundamental frequency in a laggingdirectionF i g . 3 6 L o w frequency component loss andphase shiftF X 1 O U T O F P H A S E( L A G )F X I-F X 3 O U T O F P H A S E( L E A D )F X !F X 1 O U T O F P H A S E( L E A D )F i g . 3 4 Tilt resulting from phase shift offundamental frequency in a leadingdirectionFig. 3 7 Effect of high-frequency boost and poordamping26