H. POSITIONX-POSITION1) H.POSI2) X-GAIN3) X-POSIA, B SWEEP TIME1 psA, SWEEP TIME0.1 psD.T. POSIis not used:wise.with 0.2 div.fully clockwise.the same.CH1 1 MHzsquarewaveCH2 1 MHzsquarewaveCH3 1 MHz squarewave* Incase the R/O unit isnot used. Adjust X-GAIN after H.POSI.(Adjustment sequence)*In case the R/O unit1. Turn the MAIN andFINE potentiometersfully counterclock-2. Align the of B sweep3. Turn the MAIN andFINE potentiometers4. Align the start of Bsweep with 10 div.The potentiometersused in the start andstop adjustments areADJUSTMENTX74-1580(H.POSI)VR307(X-POSI)TC101(A, SWEEP)TC102(B, SWEEP)X74-1580TC303(A, SWEEP)X74-1580VR103 (Start)VR104 (Stop)X74-1580X80-1370X73-2070TC205 X73-2070X73-2070P.C.B. ProcedureSWEEP TIME: A> 1ms, H.DISP: A :1) Set the AC-DC switch to GND. (The marker signal can be left input.)2) Set H.POSI to the 12:00 position.3)AdjustVR301sothatthe tracestartpointisalignedwiththeleftendofscale.4)SetH.DISPtoX-Y.5) Adjust VR307 so that the spot comes on the scale center.SWEEP TIME: A, B > 1 us,H.DISP: ALT, DTM: MIN (fully counterclockwise).1) Input a 1 ws marker signal.2)Adjustsothatthemarkerpeak andscalecoincidesateverydiv.SWEEP TIME: A, B > 0.1 us,H.DISP: ALT, DTM: MIN (fully counterclockwise).1) Input a 50 ns marker signal.2)Adjustso thatthemarkerpeak andscalecoincidesateverydiv.H.DISP: ALT, AC-DC: GND,A.SWEEP: 1ms, B.SWEEP: 10 ps1)TurntheMAINandFINEpotentiometersofD.T.M.controlfullycounterclockwise.2) Adjust the R/O display to 0.40 ms with FINE.3)AdjustVR103sothatthestartofBsweepisalignedwith0.4div.,of thescale.4)TurntheMAINandFINEpotentiometersofD.T.M.controlfullyclockwise.5) Adjust the R/O display to 10.00 ms with FINE.6)AdjustVR104so thatthestartofBsweepisaligned with10.00div.,ofthescale.V.MODE: CH1, VOLTS: 10 mV,AC-DC:DC_ H.DISP: A.1)Inputa1MHzsquarewavetoCH1andsetitsamplitudeto6div.2)Adjustthewaveformtothe bestpoint..*Withthe 100MHzband, provideanovershootof0.3 to 0.4div.* With the 60 MHz band, provide an overshoot of 0.1 to 0.2 div.* With the 40 MHz band, provide an overshoot of 0.1 to 0.2 div.Specification: (Above) 0.5, (Below) 0.5, (Above + Below) = Less than 0.7 div.V.MODE: CH2, VOLTS: 10 mV,AC-DC: DC H.DISP: A.1)Inputa 1MHzsquarewavetoCH2andsetitsamplitudeto6div.2) Adjust the waveform to the best point.3)Checkthattheovershootineach range from5mVto0.1Viswithinthespecification.(CheckbothCHs.)* Provide overshoot in the same way as CH1.Specification: Same as CH1.V.MODE: CH3, H.DISP: A.1) Input a 1 MHz square wave to CH3 and set its amplitude to 6 div.2) Adjust the waveform to the best point.23