32 GPS Navigation Instruction ManualTraffic InformationTraffic on Your RouteWhen calculating your route, the navigationsystem examines the current traffic andautomatically optimizes the route for the shortesttime. If a severe traffic delay occurs on your routewhile you are navigating, your navigation systemautomatically recalculates the route.The traffic icon changes color to indicate theseverity of traffic conditions on your route or onthe road you are currently traveling.Your navigation system may route you through atraffic delay if a better alternative route does notexist. The delay time is added into your estimatedtime of arrival automatically.Viewing Traffic on Your Route1 While navigating a route, select .2 Select Traffic on Route.A list of traffic events appears, organized bytheir location on the route.3 Select an event.Manually Avoiding Traffic on Your Route1 From the map, select .2 Select Traffic On Route.3 If necessary, use the arrows to view othertraffic delays on your route.4 Select > Avoid.Taking an Alternate Route1 While navigating an automobile route,select .2 Select Alternate Route.3 Select a route.Viewing Traffic on the MapThe traffic map shows color-coded traffic flowand delays on nearby roads.1 From the map, select .2 Select Traffic Conditions.Searching for Traffic Delays1 From the map, select .2 Select Traffic Conditions > .3 Select an item in the list.4 If there is more than one delay, use thearrows to view additional delays.Viewing a Traffic Incident on the Map1 From the map, select .2 Select Traffic Conditions.3 Select a traffic icon.Understanding Traffic DataThe traffic legend explains the icons and colorsused on the traffic map.1 From the map, select .2 Select Traffic Legend.