English 35AppendixThis appendix provides additional information about your navigation system, such as how to update thesoftware and map data.Updating the SoftwareBefore you can update the navigation systemsoftware, you must have a USB mass storagedevice and an Internet connection.1 Go to www.garmin.com/kenwood.2 Select Update.3 Follow the on-screen instructions.Updating the Map DataYou can purchase updated map data from Garminor ask your Kenwood dealer or Kenwood servicecenter for details.1 Go to www.garmin.com/Kenwood.2 Select Order Map Updates for yourKenwood unit.3 Follow the Web site instructions to updateyour map.Safety CamerasWARNINGGarmin and JVC KENWOOD are not responsible forthe accuracy of, or the consequences of using, asafety camera database.Safety camera information is available in somelocations. Go to http://my.garmin.com foravailability. For these locations, the navigationsystem includes the locations of hundreds ofsafety cameras. Your navigation system alerts youwhen you are approaching a safety camera andcan warn you if you are driving too fast. The datais updated at least weekly, so you always haveaccess to the most up-to-date information.You can purchase a new region or extend anexisting subscription at any time. Each region thatyou purchase has an expiration date.