English 7OWN DISCRETION AND RISK. YOU WILL BESOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOURELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION DEVICE OR ANYLOSS OF DATA THAT MAY RESULT FROM THEDOWNLOAD OR UPLOAD OF ANY SUCH CONTENTOR MATERIAL OR THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE.Predictive Routing. Your device may have a“predictive routing” feature called myTrends thatidentifies your driving routines. If it does have thisfeature, when your device predicts a route, it willdisplay your estimated time to destination andrelevant traffic information regarding the predictedroute. Information related to your driving routineswould be accessible to any other person who usesyour device. If you do not want your device topredict your routes or display information relatedto predicted routes, you may turn off myTrends byaccessing your device’s Settings menu.Collection of Information. We may collectinformation relating to how often you use theGarmin Product or the frequency with whichcertain applications and features of the GarminProduct are used. This information would becollected anonymously, in a way that doesnot personally identify you. We may use thisinformation to detect broad user trends and tootherwise enhance our products or applications.The use of location-based services on the GarminProduct, which may include weather, movie times,traffic information, fuel prices, or informationregarding local events, will cause the physicallocation of your device to be collected in orderto provide you with such location-based services.This location data is collected anonymously in aform that does not personally identify you. If youprovide your consent then Garmin will collect andupload information such as your location, speed,and direction (known as “traffic probe data” or“floating car data”) in order to enhance the qualityof the traffic data and other content provided byGarmin or other Content providers. If you provideyour consent, then Garmin may also share this datawith or sell this data to third parties. This data isshared and sold anonymously in a form that doesnot personally identify you. The collection anduse of this location information are described inmore detail in the privacy statement for the GarminProduct.Disclaimer of Endorsement; Change ofContent Providers. Reference to any products,services, processes, hypertext links to third partiesor other Content by trade name, trademark,manufacturer, supplier or otherwise does notnecessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,sponsorship or recommendation by Garmin orits licensors. Product and service information arethe sole responsibility of each individual vendor.The HERE name and logo, the HERE and HEREON BOARD trademarks and logos, and othertrademarks and trade names owned by HERE NorthAmerica LLC may not be used in any commercialmanner without the prior written consent of HERE.Content providers may be changed by Garminduring the term of this Agreement, and yourexperience with the Content provided by a newprovider may not duplicate your experience withthe previous Content supplier.Export Control. You agree not to export fromanywhere any part of the Content or any directproduct thereof except in compliance with andwith all licenses and approvals required under,applicable export laws, rules and regulations.Legal Compliance. You represent and warrantthat (i) you are not located in a country that issubject to a U.S. Government embargo, or has beendesignated by the U.S. Government as a “terroristsupporting” country, and (ii) you are not listed onany U.S. Government list of prohibited or restrictedparties.Indemnity. You agree to indemnify, defendand hold Garmin and its licensors, including therespective licensors, service providers, channelpartners, suppliers, assignees, subsidiaries,affiliated companies, and the respective officers,directors, employees, shareholders, agents andrepresentatives of Garmin and its licensors, free andharmless from and against any liability, loss, injury(including injuries resulting in death), demand,action, cost, expense, or claim of any kind orcharacter, including but not limited to attorney’sfees, arising out of or in connection with any use orpossession by you of the Garmin Products.Map Data. Use of the Map Data is subject tocertain restrictions and/or requirements imposedby third party suppliers and/or governmental orregulatory authorities as further set forth at http://corporate.navteq.com/supplier_terms.html.Term. This Agreement is effective until such timeas (i) if applicable, your subscription term is eitherterminated (by you or by Garmin) or expires, or(ii) Garmin terminates this Agreement for anyreason, including, but not limited to, if Garminfinds that you have violated any of the terms of