Kenwood DNN9710BT Instruction Manual
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10 GPS Navigation Instruction Manualtheir respective affiliates) and Garmin Ltd. (andits subsidiaries) make no warranty of fitness orcompatibility of the Traffic Data with the Garminproduct and no warranty that the Traffic Data willoperate properly as integrated and interfacedwith the Garmin product. In addition, HERE orTPTP (and their respective affiliates) and GarminLtd. (and its subsidiaries) make no warranty withregard to the reliability, accuracy, exhaustiveness,and completeness of the Traffic Data, which maycontain inaccuracies and/or errors from timeto time. To the maximum extent permitted byapplicable law, any and all warranties of any kindwhatsoever with regard to the Traffic Data arehereby expressly waived and excluded, including,but not limited to, those of merchantability, fitnessfor a particular purpose, accuracy or completenessof the Traffic Data, and/or a lack of viruses.HERE or TPTP (and their respective affiliates),Garmin Ltd. (and its subsidiaries), and theirsuppliers disclaim all liability for any loss, injury, ordamage resulting from use of or inability to use theGarmin product and the Traffic Data as a result ofweather difficulties, the destruction of transmittersand/or broadcasting infrastructures, a naturaldisaster, and/or a lack of reliability, completeness, oraccuracy of the Traffic Data. In no event shall HEREor TPTP (and their respective affiliates), Garmin Ltd.(and its subsidiaries), and their suppliers be liableto you or any other party for any compensatory,direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequentialdamages (including, without limitation, indirect,direct, special, punitive, or exemplary damagesfor loss of business, loss of profits, businessinterruption, or loss of business information) arisingout of the use of or inability to use the Garminproduct or the Traffic Data, even if HERE or TPTP orGarmin have been advised of the possibility of suchdamages.Lifetime or Onetime Traffic. If you purchase oryour Garmin product is pre-loaded with “lifetime”or “one-time” traffic, you will receive Traffic Data forthe useful life of your Garmin traffic receiver (aslong as you own a compatible Garmin product)or as long as Garmin receives Traffic Data from itsthird party content supplier, whichever is shorter.A traffic receiver’s “useful life” means the periodduring which the receiver (a) has the requiredtechnical capabilities to utilize current traffic dataservice and (b) is capable of operating as intendedwithout major repairs. Traffic Data is not availablefor all areas. Garmin may terminate your trafficsubscription immediately if you violate any of theterms of this Agreement. Your traffic subscriptionmay not be transferred to another person oranother Garmin product. Traffic services are inpart geographically restricted to the receptionand transmission range of the radio transmitters inthe case of broadcast RDSTMC, HD or DAB traffic,operated by the respective network operators orcellular carriers in the case of connected traffic overIP. They can be affected by atmospheric conditions,topographical conditions, the vehicles’ location orposition as well as obstacles (for example bridgesand buildings).Governing Law for HERE Traffic Data. Theabove terms and conditions concerning HERETraffic Data shall be governed by the laws of theState of Illinois, without giving effect to (i) itsconflict of laws provisions, or (ii) the United NationsConvention for Contracts for the International Saleof Goods, which is explicitly excluded. You agreeto submit to the jurisdiction of the State of Illinoisfor any and all disputes, claims and actions arisingfrom or in connection with the HERE Traffic Dataprovided to you hereunder.HERE Traffic Data Government End Users. Ifthe HERE Traffic Data is being acquired by or onbehalf of the United States government or anyother entity seeking or applying rights similarto those customarily claimed by the UnitedStates government, this HERE Traffic Data is a“commercial item” as that term is defined at 48C.F.R. (“FAR”) 2.101, is licensed in accordancewith this Agreement, and the HERE Traffic Datadelivered or otherwise furnished shall be markedand embedded as appropriate with the following“Notice of Use,” and shall be treated in accordancewith such Notice:Notice of UseContractor (Manufacturer/ Supplier) Name: HEREContractor (Manufacturer/supplier) Address: 425West Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois 60606This Data is a commercial item as defined in FAR2.101 and is subject to the HERE Traffic™ End UserLicense Agreement under which this Data wasprovided.© 1987-2014 HERE – All rights reserved.If the Contracting Officer, federal governmentagency, or any federal official refuses to use the |
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