Kenwood DNN9710BT Instruction Manual
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4 GPS Navigation Instruction ManualEnd-User License AgreementsSoftware License AgreementBY USING THE DNN9710BT, YOU AGREE TO BEBOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THEFOLLOWING SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT.PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY.Garmin Ltd. and its subsidiaries (“Garmin”)grant you a limited license to use the softwareembedded in this device (the “Software”) in binaryexecutable form in the normal operation of theproduct. Title, ownership rights, and intellectualproperty rights in and to the Software remain inGarmin and/or its third-party providers.You acknowledge that the Software is the propertyof Garmin and/or its third-party providers andis protected under the United States of Americacopyright laws and international copyright treaties.You further acknowledge that the structure,organization, and code of the Software, for whichsource code is not provided, are valuable tradesecrets of Garmin and/or its third-party providersand that the Software in source code form remainsa valuable trade secret of Garmin and/or its third-party providers. You agree not to decompile,disassemble, modify, reverse assemble, reverseengineer, or reduce to human readable formthe Software or any part thereof or create anyderivative works based on the Software. You agreenot to export or re-export the Software to anycountry in violation of the export control laws ofthe United States of America or the export controllaws of any other applicable country.End User License AgreementThe Garmin device you have purchased (“Device”),or the download that you are making (the“Download”), may contain an application, content,or both. If a Device, the software embedded in it(the “Software”), or if a Download, the application,including its embedded software (collectively,the “Application”) is owned by Garmin Ltd. orits subsidiaries (collectively, “Garmin”). The mapdata that may be embedded in your Device,the Application or downloaded separately (the“Map Data”) is owned by HERE North AmericaLLC and/or its affiliates (“HERE”) and is licensedto Garmin. Garmin also owns, or licenses fromthird party providers, information, traffic data,text, images, graphics, photographs, audio, video,images and other applications and data that maybe embedded in the Device or Application, ordownloaded separately (“Other Content”). TheMap Data and Other Content are collectively the“Content”. The Software, Application and Content(collectively, the “Garmin Products”) are protectedunder copyright laws and international copyrighttreaties. The Garmin Products are licensed, notsold. The structure, organization and code ofthe Software and Application are valuable tradesecrets of Garmin and/or its third-party providers.The Garmin Products are each provided underthis License Agreement and are subject to thefollowing terms and conditions which are agreedto by End User (“you” or “your”), on the onehand, and Garmin and its licensors and affiliatedcompanies of Garmin and its licensors, on the otherhand. If you are obtaining the Application froma third party application vendor (the “ApplicationVendor”), you acknowledge that Garmin, andnot the Application Vendor, is responsible forthe Application. Garmin’s licensors, includingthe licensors, service providers, channel partners,suppliers and affiliated companies of Garmin andits licensors, are each a direct and intended thirdparty beneficiary of this Agreement and mayenforce their rights directly against you in the eventof your breach of this Agreement.IMPORTANT: CAREFULLY READ THIS ENTIRELICENSE AGREEMENT BEFORE PURCHASINGOR USING YOUR DEVICE OR DOWNLOADEDAPPLICATION OR CONTENT. PURCHASING,INSTALLING, COPYING, OR OTHERWISE USINGYOUR DEVICE OR DOWNLOADED APPLICATION ORCONTENT INDICATES YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENTTHAT YOU HAVE READ THIS LICENSE AGREEMENTAND AGREE TO ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS.IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS ANDCONDITIONS FOR YOUR PRODUCT, RETURN THECOMPLETE DEVICE WITHIN 7 DAYS OF THE DATEYOU ACQUIRED IT (IF PURCHASED NEW) FOR AFULL REFUND TO THE DEALER FROM WHICH YOUPURCHASED THIS DEVICE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREETO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR YOURDOWNLOAD, DO NOT PURCHASE, INSTALL OR USETHE DOWNLOAD.License Terms and ConditionsGarmin (“we” or “us”) provides you with thestorage media containing the Software andthe Content embedded therein, including any“online” or electronic documentation and printedmaterials in the case of a Device, or in the case of aDownload, the Application and the embedded oraccompanying Content, including any “online” orelectronic documentation and printed materials.Garmin grants you a limited, non-exclusivelicense to use the applicable Garmin Product inaccordance with the terms of this Agreement.You agree to use the applicable Garmin Product |
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