Changing the Map Data Field1 From the map, select the data field in thelower left-hand corner.2 Select a type of data to display.3 Select Save.Customizing Map ButtonsYou can include up to three icons on theright side of the main map.1 Select Settings > Map & Vehicle > MapButtons.2 Select an icon, and select OK.3 Select .4 Select a different icon.5 Select Save.Removing Buttons from the MapYou can remove all buttons from the rightside of the map.1 Select Settings > Map & Vehicle > MapButtons.2 Select an icon, and select OK.3 Select Save.Changing the Map Perspective1 Select Settings > Map & Vehicle >Driving Map View.2 Select an option:• Select Track Up to display the map intwo dimensions (2-D), with yourdirection of travel at the top.• Select North Up to display the map in2-D with north at the top.• Select 3-D to display the map in threedimensions.3 Select Save.Viewing Route ActivityViewing a List of TurnsWhile navigating a route, you can view all ofthe turns and maneuvers for your entireroute and the distance between turns.1 While navigating a route, select the textbar on the top of the map.2 Select a turn.The details for the turn appear. Ifavailable, an image of the junctionappears for junctions on major roadways.Viewing the Entire Route on the Map1 While navigating a route, select thenavigation bar at the top of the map.2 Select > Map.Viewing the Next TurnWhile navigating a route, a preview of thenext turn, lane change, or other maneuverappears in the upper-left corner of the map.The preview includes the distance to theturn or maneuver and the lane in which youshould be traveling, if available.From the map, select to view the nextturn on the map.Viewing Traffic AlertsWhile navigating a route, a traffic alert mayappear in the navigation bar.Select the alert to view more information.Viewing JunctionsWhile navigating a route, you can view thejunctions on major roadways. When youapproach a junction in a route, the image ofthat junction appears briefly, if available.NOTE: This feature is not available on allmodels.From the map, select to view thejunction, if available.Viewing the Trip Information PageThe trip information page displays yourspeed and provides statistics about your trip.NOTE: If you make frequent stops, leave thedevice turned on, so it can accuratelymeasure elapsed time during the trip.From the map, select Speed.Resetting Trip Information1 From the map, select Speed.2 Select > Reset All.3 Select an option:• When not navigating a route, selectSelect All to reset every data fieldexcept the speedometer, on the firstpage.• Select Reset Trip Data to reset theinformation on the trip computer.• Select Reset Trip B to reset theodometer.Map Pages 7