6 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual(ii) the useful life of the purchaser’s smartphone(if applicable), or (iii) as long as Garmin receivesContent from its third party content supplier,whichever of the three periods is shortest. AGarmin device’s “useful life” means the periodduring which the device (a) has the requiredtechnical capabilities to utilize the then-currentLive services (including a Live services-compatibleoperating system) and (b) is capable of operatingas intended without major repairs. A Garmindevice will be deemed to be out of service and itsuseful life to be ended if no updates have beendownloaded for such device for a period of 24months or more. Garmin Live services content isnot available for all areas. Garmin may terminatea Live services subscription immediately forviolations of the Live services terms of use. Liveservices subscriptions may not be transferred toanother person or another Garmin product, evenif the application remains on the smartphone.Garmin Live Services are in part - depending on theservice - geographically restricted to the receptionand transmission range of the radio transmitters,operated by the respective network operators.They can be affected by atmospheric conditions,topographical conditions, the vehicles location orposition as well as obstacles (for example bridgesand buildings). Some services are generallynot available in every country. The extent andcharacteristics of the available services differ fromcountry to country. You are personally responsiblefor the compliance with the laws and regulations ofthe respective countries.No Warranty. The Garmin Products are providedto you “as is,” and you agree to use them at yourown risk. Garmin and its licensors including thelicensors, service providers, channel partners andsuppliers, and affiliated companies of Garmin andits licensors, make no guarantees, representationsor warranties of any kind, express or implied,arising by law or otherwise, including but notlimited to, content, quality, accuracy, completeness,effectiveness, reliability, merchantability, fitnessfor a particular purpose, usefulness, use or resultsto be obtained from the Garmin Products, or thatthe Content or server will be uninterrupted orerror-free. The Garmin Products are intended tobe used only as supplementary travel aids andmust not be used for any purpose requiring precisemeasurement of direction, distance, location ortopography. GARMIN MAKES NO WARRANTY AS TOTHE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE MAPDATA OR OTHER CONTENT.Disclaimer of Warranty. GARMIN AND ITSLICENSORS, including the licensors, serviceproviders, channel partners, suppliers and affiliatedcompanies of Garmin and its licensors, DISCLAIMANY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OFQUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ORNONINFRINGEMENT. NO ORAL OR WRITTENADVICE OR INFORMATION PROVIDED BY GARMINOR ITS SUPPLIERS AND LICENSORS SHALL CREATEA WARRANTY, AND YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TORELY ON ANY SUCH ADVICE OR INFORMATION.THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES IS AN ESSENTIALCONDITION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Some States,Territories and Countries do not allow certainwarranty exclusions, so to that extent the aboveexclusion may not apply to you.Disclaimer of Liability. GARMIN AND ITSLICENSORS , including the licensors, serviceproviders, channel partners, suppliers andaffiliated companies of Garmin and its licensors,SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU: IN RESPECT OFANY CLAIM, DEMAND OR ACTION, IRRESPECTIVEOF THE NATURE OF THE CAUSE OF THE CLAIM,DEMAND OR ACTION ALLEGING ANY LOSS, INJURYOR DAMAGES, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, WHICH MAYRESULT FROM THE USE OR POSSESSION OF THEGARMIN PRODUCTS; OR FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFIT,REVENUE, CONTRACTS OR SAVINGS, OR ANYOTHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIALOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OFYOUR USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE GARMINPRODUCTS, ANY DEFECT IN THE CONTENT ORINFORMATION, OR THE BREACH OF THESE TERMSOR CONDITIONS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION INCONTRACT OR TORT OR BASED ON A WARRANTYAND WHETHER RESULTING FROM THE USE, MISUSE,OR INABILITY TO USE THE GARMIN PRODUCTS ORFROM DEFECTS OR ERRORS IN THE APPLICATION,EVEN IF GARMIN OR ITS LICENSORS HAVE BEENADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.GARMIN’S AND ITS LICENSORS’ TOTAL AGGREGATELIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO ITS OBLIGATIONSUNDER THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT OR OTHERWISEWITH RESPECT TO THE APPLICATION OR THECONTENT SHALL NOT EXCEED $1.00. Some States,Territories and Countries do not allow certainliability exclusions or damages limitations, so tothat extent the above may not apply to you. Ifyou purchased your Application from a third partyapplication vendor, THE SOLE AND MAXIMUMRESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICATION VENDOR INTHE EVENT OF A WARRANTY FAILURE IS A REFUNDOF THE APPLICATION PURCHASE PRICE.ANY CONTENT OR MATERIAL DOWNLOADEDEnd-User License Agreements