6System connectionsCaution:Do not plug in the power lead until all connections are com-pleted.Malfunction of microcomputerIf operation is not possible or erroneous display appears eventhough all connections have been made properly, reset themicrocomputer referring to “In case of difficulty”. ™Make connections as shown below.When connecting the related system components, refer also to theinstruction manuals of the related components.CautionBe sure to adhere followings. Or proper ventilation will be blocked causing damage or fire hazard.÷ Do not place any objects impairing heat radiation onto the top of unit.÷ Leave a space around the unit (from the largest outside dimension including projection)equal or greater than, shown below.Top panel : 50 cm Side panel : 10 cm Back panel : 10 cm1. Connect all cords firmly. If connections are loose there could be loss of sound or noise produced.2. When plugging and unplugging connection cords, be sure to first remove the power cord from the AC outlet. Plugging/unpluggingconnection cords without removal of the power cord can cause malfunctions or damage to the unit.NotesNotesCommercially-availableoptical fiber cableSystem control cordAudio cordAmplifierRemove theprotection capwhen using theDIGITAL OUTPUT(OPTICAL) jack.To wall AC outletTo AC outletTo AC outletMD recorder/CD-RDIGITAL OUTPUT jackOUTPUTOPTICALDIGITALOUTPUTSYSTEM CONTROLLRSYSTEMCONTROLLRCDDIGITALINPUTOPTICALTEXTConnection to KENWOOD CD TEXT MD recorder;The text (track titles) and the music of a CD can be copied to an MD.For details, refer to the MD instruction manual.