18DPX701/701U/701UYDPX-MP7090U[4] key Key pressed briefly : CD operation time is displayed.(Display) CDTim_0Hxx_ (00~50 is displayed for “xx”.When less than 1 hour, displayedby increments of 10 minutes.)xxxxx (00001~10922 is displayed for“xxxxx”.) MAX 10922 (times)During CD operation time display, by pressing for at least2 seconds, CD operation time is cleared.[5] key Key pressed briefly : CD EJECT number is displayed.(Display) EjeCnt_xxxxx MAX 65535 (times)During CD EJECT number display, by pressing for atleast 2 seconds, CD EJECT number display is cleared.[FM] ROM correction version displaykey (Display) SYS_ROM_R123(Display) PAN_ROM_R123When E2PROM is not installed : ROM_ERR_When un-written : ROM_R – – –When data is incompatible : ROM_R ∗ ∗ ∗[ ] AUDIO data default value settingkey (Display) AUDIO_INIT[ ] Key pressed briefly : Forced Power OFF data displayed.key (Display) POFF_ - - - (No Forced Power OFF)SEC (Forced Power OFF because ofmissing Security Code)PNL (Forced Power OFF because ofsystem μ-com panel communica-tion error)While the forced power OFF data is displayed, press andhold for 2 seconds to clear the data.[ ] Key pressed briefly : CD information display mode ON/OFFkey While in CD information display mode, press and hold for2 seconds to clear all CD information.∗ Please refer to the table right.● CD information display modeDisplays I2C communication status and CD mechanismerror log(Display) I2C_●●____________(Display) ERR_1-▲▲, 2-▲▲, 3-▲▲“OK” or “NG” is displayed for “●●”. / “– –” or an error codeis displayed for “▲▲”.Displays CD loading error data.(Display) Load_Error____(Display) __ (1) xx__ (2) xx (number of times is displayedfor “xx”)MAX 99 (times)Disk detection switch ON/OFF is monitored, and whenthe loading operation is not completed within the specifiedtime length, or when E-99 mechanism error occurred,record which SW signal had an error.∗Refer to the note at the end of [CD LOAD error detection].[AM] Displays CD ejection error data.key (Display) Eject_Error___↑ (Display) __ (1) xx__ (2) xx(Display) __ (3) xx__ (4) xx (number of times is displayedfor “xx”)MAX 99 (times)Disk detection SW ON/OFF is monitored, and when theejection operation is not completed within the specifiedtime length, or when E-99 mechanism error occurred,record which SW signal had an error.∗Refer to [CD EJECT error detection]’s note.↓ Displays CD time code count error data (missing count).[FM] (Display) Count_Losekey (Display) __CDDA_ : xx(Display) __CDROM : xx (number of times is displayedfor “xx”)MAX 99 (times)Monitor time code continuity. Record the number of timeswhen discontinuity occurred as error data.Record the data of compressed audio and CD-DA playedseparately.Displays CD time code count error data (count not updated).(Display) Count_Stay(Display) __CDDA_ : xx(Display) __CDROM : xx (number of times is displayedfor “xx”)MAX 99 (times)When the time code is not renewed for 2 or more seconds,record the number of times occurred as error data(skipped sound).TEST MODE