5DPX701/701U/701UYDPX-MP7090URef. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityQ606,607 AUDIO 10.5V AVR When Q606’s base goes Hi, AVR outputs 10.5V.Q608~615 Pre-out mute SW When a base gose Hi, Pre-out is set to mute.Q800,802 REF+B AVR When Q800’s base goes Hi, AVR outputs 13V.Q801 SVR6.8V Ref Supply AGC Controller When the voltage of B.U voltage falls, a return is hung and an output is reduced.Q901 VFD & USB5V AVR SW When base goes Hi, VFD & USB5V AVR on.Q902 Mecha digital AVR SW When base goes Hi, Mecha digital AVR on. (DXM-680*: 5V)Switching Regulator frequencyQ903 control SW (IC901)Q981~983 SW16V (Surge Protection) When Q983’s 2 pin goes Hi, SW16V outputs (BU-0.6)V.● SWITCH UNIT (X16-352x-xx)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityIC1 ROM IC, Flash ROM IC Graphics data included.IC2 Spectrum analyzer IC 6ch band pass filter.IC4 Panel μ-comIC6 Remote control IC Remote control receiver.IC7 Buffer IC It is change into 3.3V from 5V.IC8 Buffer IC It is change into 5V from 3.3V.IC9 Buffer IC For Control ED1.IC10 2.5V regulator The power supply For 2.5V.IC11 3.3V regulator The power supply For 3.3V.Q1 Triangle green LED SW Triangle green LED is lighting when Q1’s base level goes “H”.Q2 Triangle red LED SW Triangle red LED is lighting when Q2’s base level goes “H”.Q3 Key LED SW Key LED are lighting when Q3’s base level goes “H”.Q4,5 Front galss SW Front glass LED are lighting when Q5’s base level goes “H”.Q6 SW3.3V SW SW3.3V the power supply of IC1,3 is turned on when Q6’s base level goes “L”.Q7,8 SW5V SW SW5V the power supply of IC2,6 is turned on when Q8’s base level goes “H”.Q9,10 FL3.3V SW FL+3.3V (VDD1) is turned on when Q9’s base level goes “H”.Q11,13 FL+B SW FL+B (VDD2) is turned on when Q11’s base level goes “H”.Q12 FL BLK SW ED1 is lighted on when Q7’s base level goes “H”.Q14 PAN RST IC4 is reset when Q14's base level goes “H”.● CD PLAYER UNIT (X32-5870-00)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityIC1 Mechanism μ-comIC2 Signal ProcessorIC4 BTL Driver Spindel motor, sled (including loading & eject) motor and pick-up actuatorIC5 SW3.3V Regulator 3.3V power supply for IC2, pick-up, IC18 digital partIC13 Audio Active Filter 2nd LPFIC14 A5V Regulator 3.3V power supply for DACCOMPONENTS DESCRIPTION2pinL H1pinL 430kHz 600kHzH 650kHz 820kHz