65Application sectionMD Edit FunctionsT I T L E S T O R EExecuting title input3÷ When the ENTER key is pressed , the selection of thenext title (disc title or track title) to be edited can berestarted. To continue editing of another title, repeatthe above procedure from step 1-2.1 Press the ENTER key to set the title input.2 Press the TITLE INPUT key to exit fromediting.3 Press the 0 MD key and eject the MD.÷ If power is switched off (to STANDBY mode) orthe TITLE INPUT key is pressed to cancel set-ting before the ENTER key is pressed here, theinputs made until then will be cleared.Erasing all titles1 Select the MD input and press the TITLE IN-PUT key.2 Press the 4 or ¢ key repeatedly to select"ALL ERASE".3 Press the SET key to set the "ALL ERASE"selection.4 Press the ENTER key to erase all titles.5 Press the TITLE INPUT key to exit fromediting.6 Press the 0 MD key and eject the MD.÷ All of the disc and track titles are erased.Changing or deleting a title1 Perform step 1 in "Assigning a title to a discor track" to select the disc title or track titleto be changed or erased.2 Press the 1 or ¡ key to place the cursoron the character to be modified or erased.3 Press the CLEAR/DELETE key to delete thecharacter. (If you are erasing the title, go tostep 5.)4 If you are changing the title, perform step 2in "Assigning a title to a disc or track".5 Perform step 3 in "Assigning a title to a discor track".÷ If it is required to insert a character, place thecursor on the character immediately before thedesired insertion location.TITLE INPUTENTER0 MDThe MD editing is established finally at the mo-ment the MD disc is ejected. To cancel the edit-ing contents, perform the operation described in"To delete the edited contents (EDIT CANCEL)"before ejecting the disc. ˆInformation isbeing written.Mini Disc hasbeen ejected.M D W R I T I N G E J E C TDo not turn power off or apply shock or impact while"MD WRITING" is displayed. If the power cord is un-plugged before "MD WRITING" disappears, the re-corded or edited data will be lost.