KCH-164REALIGNMENTThe mode when the KCH-16 Handheld control head is connected with the TK-5710/5710H/5810/5810H transceiver via theKRK-11 Interface box and KRK-11 Panel assembly is described below.1. Modes● Transceiver (TK-5710/5710H/5810/5810H)User modePanel test modeFirmware version informationPanel tuning modeData programming modePC test mode PC tuning modePC modeClone modeFirmware pro-gramming modeClock adjustment modeTransceiver information modeSelf programming modeMode FunctionUser mode For normal use.Panel test mode Used by the dealer to check the funda-mental characteristics.Panel tuning mode Used by the dealer to tune the trans-ceiver.PC mode Used for communication between thetransceiver and PC (IBM compatible).Data programmingmodeUsed to read and write frequency dataand other features to and from the trans-ceiver.PC test modeUsed to check the transceiver using thePC. This feature is included in the FPU.See panel tuning.Firmware program-ming modeUsed when changing the main programof the fl ash memory of the transceiver.Clone mode Used to transfer programming data fromone transceiver to another.Self programmingmodeYou can program the frequency, signal-ing and other functions using only thetransceiver.Firmware versioninformationUsed to confirm the internal firmwareversion.Clock adjustmentmodeUsed by the dealer to adjust date andtime.Transceiver informa-tion modeUsed to confirm the transceiver firmwareversion.● KCH-16KCH-16 Firmwareprogramming modeMode FunctionKCH-16 Firmwareprogramming modeUsed when changing the main programof the flash memory of the KCH-16.