18KDC-W4044UA/W4044UAY/W4044UG/W4044UGYKDC-W413UA/W413UAY/W4544U/W4644UYTurn power on.Press and hold the [1] and [3] keys and press reset button.(Enter the system in the test mode.)Press [B.BOOST] key. (ROM data System enters datatransfer mode.)Press [ ] (or [ ] .) (Select READ)Press [ ] key for 1 second or longer. (Data transfer)FRONT-END (A1)E2PROM E2PROMSYSTEMμ-COM (IC1)Mother unit (X34-)eThe system μ-COM (IC1) copiesthe data in the front-end (A1) in theE2PROM on the mother unit (X34-)READ OKIn case of [2]In case of [1] or [3]R-OKREAD OK2 R-O2Press [ ] key. (Exit ROM data transfer mode.)Turn power off.Remove front-end (A1).FRONT-END (A1)E2PROMSYSTEMμ-COM (IC1)Mother unit (X34-)rInstall new front-end (A1).No ROM correction or other data status.FRONT-END (A1)E2PROM E2PROMSYSTEMμ-COM (IC1)Mother unit (X34-)tTurn power on.Press and hold the [1] and [3] keys and press reset button.(Enter the system in the test mode.)Press [B.BOOST] key. (Start transferring ROM data.)Press [ ] (or [ ] .) (Select WRT)Press [ ] key for 1 second or longer. (Data transfer)FRONT-END (A1)E2PROM E2PROMSYSTEMμ-COM (IC1)Mother unit (X34-)ySystem μ-COM (IC1) copiesdata on the mother unit (X34-) intoE2PROM in the front-end (A1)WRT OKIn case of [2] or [3]In case of [1]W-OKWRT OK2 W-O2Press [ ] key. (Exit ROM data transfer mode.)ROM DATA TRANSFER PROCESSES