_ ] When video (LD) software carrying Dy]peuvsmcas] markisplayed, this mode provides the Dolby Surround effect,similar to movie theaters.Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories LicensingCorporation, Additionally Licensed under one of more of thefolowing patents: U.S. numbers 3,959,590 ; Canadian_numbers1,004,603 and 1,037,877. “Dolby”, “Pro Logic” and the double-Dsymbol [It] are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Cor-poration, =KA-V7070 (Ennae dieenetiendindnddnbbetinteniaienetemmeteeeticeeediomcmenementeremescaemceedeee ee a rarer evarra a__DOLBYPRO LOGIC surround arrangement...7 Activate the DOLBY PRO LOGIC mode.®neoae@ Select the CENTER MODEAdjust the delay time.@ Select DELAY TIME.LEVELMODE@ Adjust.MULT LEVEL CONTROL<—=m To increaseTo decrease ™. a3 Adjust the volume balance.@ Generate the test tone.TONE@ Align the center speaker volume ;with the main speaker volume.(1) Choose “CENTER” or “REAR“LEVELMOCE(2) Adjust” MULT LEVEL CONTROLCs] ea To increase= To décrease a@ Stop the test tone.TESTLights up,PRO LOGIC =Each press of the CENTER MODE key switches the center modés asfollows:NORMAL :When the center speaker is a compact-sizedspeaker.@WIDZE BAND: When the center speaker is a medium- or large-sized speaker.@PHANTOM -:When the center speaker is not used.e lf you cannot tell whether your center speaker is compact or me-dium-sized, try two modes and select according to your liking.@ The selected center mcede is automatically stored in memory andheld unless it is changed later.Each press switches the band as follows:.@BELAY (DELAY TIME}@LENTER (CENTER LEVEL)@RERR (REAR LEVEL)e The celay time can be adjusted in the range from 15 ms to 30 ms, in& ms steps. i Fe Once the delay time has been preset, it is held until it is re-set later,fx7 49 How to decide the DELAY TIME -~PEARLS RE Rete bere ee eee Bee eee eee ee PE@ The test tone which Is heard like noise moves between speakers at.an interval of 1.5 sec.In NORMAL and In PHANTOM mode:WIDE BAND modes:Left (L)} Left (L)Center (0) ["Right (7)Right (7) Surround (Rear) (5)surround (Rear} (5)@ Be sure to adjust from your listening position.e The volume is adjusted in 1dB steps each time you press the MULTILEVEL CONTROL keys.e The volume levels can be adjusted in the range from -10 dB to +10dB.@ The rear level is stored in memory as the commen setting with theDSP and DSP LOGIC modes and the center level is stored as the .common setting with the DOLBY 3 STEREO and DSP LOGIC mode.