Other features (Seepage 8)Function of the KRC-PS655/605Selectable illuminationYoucanswitchthecolorofthebuttonilluminationbetweengreen.and amber.,English1 Press the MENU button for at least one second."MENU" is displayed and the menu mode is turned on.Keeppressingthe®buttonuntiltheSelectableIliuminationfunctionappearsinthedisplay.Press the <4 button to search in the other direction.The function setting is indicated by "COL GRN" or "COL AMB"in the display, indicating that the current color is green oramber, respectively.3 Switching settingsPress either the AM button or FM button .The display and setting will change.4 Press the MENU button to end the menu mode.2Function of the KRC-PS655/605Automatic DimmerThe display will dim when the car's lights are turned on.Thedimmerfunctionisnot availablefor unitsifthedimmercableisnotconnected.ahhFunction of the KRC-PS655Switching PreoutSwitch the preout between the front and non-fading. Whenyou switch to non-fading, you can adjust the volumeseparately. The factory default is front preout.Switching preout:1 Press the MENU button for at least one second."MENU" is displayed and the menu mode is turned on.2 Keep pressing the ®rI button until the Switching Preoutfunction appears in the display.Press the <4 button to search in the other direction.The function setting is indicated by “SWPRE F" or "SWPRE NF"in the display, indicating that the current preout is front or non-fading, respectively."SWPRE F" (Front preout)"SWPRE NF" (Non-fading preout)3 Switching settingsPress either the AM or FM button.The display and setting will change.4 Press the MENU button to end the menu mode.You cannot use the high-pass filter with non-fading preout.Turning non-fading output On/Off:Press the NF button for at least one second to set the functionON or OFF.“NF ON" is displayed when the non-fading output is set ON.