Position Fine ControlYou can fine-adjust your listening position.Position Fine Control screen1 Adjusts the volume.2 Selects a speaker to be adjusted.3 Indication of setup distance.The adjusted distance (Position and Position FineControl values), and the total of the distanceadjusted by Car Type Set Up (see page 60) andthe adjustment distance for position setup areindicated.4 Adjust the distance to each speaker.5 Stores the present adjustment setup in memory,or calls it from memory.6 Exits the Position Fine Control setup and returnsto the Position screen.1 Center speaker2 Left front speaker3 Right front speaker4 Left rear speaker5 Right rear speaker6 SubwooferSelect a speaker you wish to adjust2AdjustDisplay the Position Fine Control screen1To store your adjustment in memory:—Continue to touch to more than 2seconds.To call your adjustment from memory:—Touch to of your adjustment youwish to call from memory.• You can also call your adjustment setup inmemory using to buttons onthe Position screen (see page 92).• Only the adjusted distance of position setup(Position and Position Fine Control values) isstored in memory. Therefore, the finaladjustment distance changes if you change theCar Type Set Up value (see page 60).ReturnClose the Position Fine Control Screen4P3P1P3P1P3P1P3P1P3P1Store or call your adjustment into/frommemorySet a delay time3Sound Effects MenuDisplaying the Position screenPosition screenPosition1 Adjusts the volume.2 Returns to the Control screen of the previoussource.3 Calls the Setup Menu. (see page 59)4 Calls the Sound Effects Menu.5 Sets a listening position.You can select any of "FRONT R" (Right front),"FRONT L" (Left front), "FRONT ALL" (All front), and"ALL" (All) positions.6 Displays the Position Fine Control screen.(see page 89)7 Call your setup you have stored in memory from thePosition Fine Control screen.• The final distance is adjusted to the total of CarType Set Up value (see page 60) and PositionSetup (both Position and Position Fine Control)value.• If you change the Car Type Set Up value (seepage 60), the position is set to "ALL".FRONT RjustP1 P2 P31111456327Return0.33 feet0.33 feetP1 P2 P31111324 4561324 56English92 English English 93PositionYou can adjust the sound effects according to your listening position.