DPSSOUBBINCi NORM@ Rewind & auto playThis function is used to automatically play the tape fromthe first tune after rewinding.To play the forward side of the tape, press the play key >and rewind key |<< |simultaneously.To play the reverse side of the tape, press the reverse playkey [<) and fast forward key |»» |simultaneously.@ Dash & playThis function allows you to play a tape repeatedly by fast-forwarding through any non-recorded blank of more than10 seconds on the tape.1. Set the DIRECTION switch according to the desired play-back direction.‘‘== "’ One side will be repeated 8 times.‘‘C)"' Both sides will be repeated 8 times.2. Press the fast forward |»> |and rewind |<< |keys simul-taneously.® To cancel dash & play, press the stop key [im .Notes: —--—-1. If anon-recorded section is less than 10 seconds, this functionmay not work correctly.2. If cassette tapes are loaded in both the A and B decks with theDIRECTION switch set to ‘‘—>"’ (reverse), when the dash & playoperation finishes on one deck, it is then carried out on the otherdeck.@ Re-Rec standby (B deck only)This function allows you to interrupt recording, return thetape to the position where recording started, and put thedeck in the stop mode. This is useful when you have start-ed a recording by mistake.(In this case, a four second blank section is required beforethe position at which the recording is to start).During forward recording, press the rewind key | << |.During reverse recording, press the fast forward key | >> |.@ Recording is interrupted, the tape is rewound to the cor-rect starting point, a non-recorded blank of 2 secondsis made after the end of the previous program, and thedeck enters the stop mode.When starting to re-record1. Press the REC/ARM key twice in succession to make anew non-recorded blank.2. Press the REC/ARM key again@ This starts a new recording.12. kx-79cw (En)@ How to provide non-recorded blanks betweenprogramsTo make a non-recorded blank of about 4 seconds:Press the REC/ARM key twice in succession.@ After leaving a non-recorded blank of about 4 seconds,the deck enters the record-pause mode.To make a non-recorded blank during recording:Press the REC/ARM key once during recording.® After running to make a non-recorded blank of about 4seconds from the point where the key is pressed, thedeck enters the record-pause mode.Note: 4For normal recording operations, see the ‘‘How to record’ sectionwhich starts on page 13.