viii• Do not charge the battery for longer than the specifiedtime! ,IWKHEDWWHU\SDFNKDVQRWÀQLVKHGFKDUJLQJHYHQDIWHUWKHregulated time has passed, stop it. The battery may generateKHDWRUVPRNHUXSWXUHRUEXUVWLQWRÁDPH• Do not place the battery pack into a microwave or highpressure container!The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst intoÁDPH• Keep ruptured and leaking battery packs away from fire!If the battery pack is leaking (or the battery emits a bad odor),LPPHGLDWHO\UHPRYHLWIURPÁDPPDEOHDUHDV(OHFWURO\WHOHDNLQJIURPEDWWHU\FDQHDVLO\FDWFKRQÀUHDQGPD\FDXVHWKHEDWWHU\WRJHQHUDWHVPRNHRUEXUVWLQWRÁDPH• Do not use an abnormal battery!If the battery pack emits a bad odor, appears to have differentcoloring, is deformed, or seems abnormal for any other reason,remove it from the charger or operating equipment and do notuse it. The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, orEXUVWLQWRÁDPH• Do not reverse-charge or reverse-connect the battery!The battery pack has positive and negative poles. If the batterypack does not smoothly connect with a charger or operatingequipment, do not force it; check the polarity of the battery. Ifthe battery pack is reverse-connected to the charger, it will bereverse-charged and an abnormal chemical reaction may occur.The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst intoÁDPH• Do not touch a ruptured and leaking battery!If the electrolyte liquid from the battery gets into your eyes,wash your eyes out with fresh water as soon as possible,without rubbing your eyes. Go to the hospital immediately. Ifleft untreated, it may cause eye-problems.