vNOTIFICATION OF WATER-RESISTANT MODELWater Resistance and Maintenance (NX-200/ NX-300 Only)This transceiver conforms to the following standards:IP67:7KH,3VWDQGDUGLVWKHSURWHFWLRQOHYHOVSHFLÀHGE\WKHLQWHUQDWLRQDOVWDQGDUG,(&7KHÀUVWQXPHUDOLQGLFDWHVWKH“dust-resistant” level and the second numeral indicates the “water-resistant” level.PRECAUTIONS• The applicable standards listed above do not assure that thetransceiver can be used in water. The transceiver may bedamaged in a situation in which the maximum depth is over1 meter or the maximum submersion time exceeds 30 minutes.• Observe the following precautions to maintain the transceiver’swater-resistant performance:a) Do not drop or apply strong physical shocks to the transceiver.b) When you disassemble the transceiver or open the coverof the option board, IP67 will no longer be maintained. Afterdisassembling the transceiver or opening the cover of theoption board, if you want to continue maintaining IP67, contactyour dealer or Authorized Service Center.c) Do not soak the transceiver in water that contains a solvent orsurfactant, such as detergent or alcohol.• If it is soaked in muddy water or salt water (including sea water),LWPD\EHFRPHFRUURGHG,PPHGLDWHO\ÁXVKZLWKIUHVKZDWHUDQGthen wipe dry with a soft cloth.• If water is splashed onto the microphone, the battery, or theantenna terminal, clean and dry them with a soft cloth beforereconnecting to the transceiver.• When water gets into the microphone opening or the speakergrill, the voice level may become low or distorted. Lightly shakeWKHWUDQVFHLYHUWRUHPRYHWKHZDWHUIURPWKHVSHDNHUDQGRUmicrophone before operating the transceiver. 8VHRIDQ\RSWLRQRQWKHWUDQVFHLYHUQRWVSHFLÀHGE\Kenwood,may reduce or void the water resistant and dust resistantperformance.• When using an option with the transceiver, ensure that itcorresponds with the IP67 standard.