Thank YouWe are grateful you have chosen Kenwood for your personal moble applcatons.We beleve ths easy-to-use transcever wll provde dependable communcatonsto keep personnel operatng at peak effcency.Kenwood transcevers ncorporate the latest n advanced technology. As a result,we feel strongly that you wll be pleased wth the qualty and features of ths product.nXDn™NXDN™ s a protocol name for the new dgtal communcaton system usng4-level FSK technology whch has been co-developed by Kenwood and Icom.MoDels CovereD bY This ManualThe models lsted below are covered by ths manual:• NX-700/ NX-700H: VHF Dgtal Transcever• NX-800/ NX-800H: UHF Dgtal TranscevernoTiCes To The user◆ Government law prohbts the operaton of unlcensed transmtters wthn the terrtores undergovernment control.◆ Illegal operaton s punshable by fne and/or mprsonment.◆ Refer servce to qualfed techncans only.SAFETY: It s mportant that the operator s aware of, and understands, hazardscommon to the operaton of any transcever.◆ EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES (GASES, DUST, FUMES, etc.)Turn OFF your transcever whle takng on fuel or whle parked n gasolne servce statons. Do not carryspare fuel contaners n the trunk of your vehcle f your transcever s mounted n the trunk area.◆ INJURY FROM RADIO FREQUENCY TRANSMISSIONSDo not operate your transcever when somebody s ether standng near to or touchng theantenna, to avod the possblty of rado frequency burns or related physcal njury.◆ DYNAMITE BLASTING CAPSOperatng the transcever wthn 500 feet (150 m) of dynamte blastng caps may cause themto explode. Turn OFF your transcever when n an area where blastng s n progress, or where“TURN OFF TWO-WAY RADIO” sgns have been posted. If you are transportng blastng capsn your vehcle, make sure they are carred n a closed metal box wth a padded nteror. Do nottransmt whle the caps are beng placed nto or removed from the contaner.The AMBE+2™ voce codng Technology emboded n ths product s protected by ntellectualproperty rghts ncludng patent rghts, copyrghts and trade secrets of Dgtal Voce Systems, Inc.Ths voce codng Technology s lcensed solely for use wthn ths Communcatons Equpment.The user of ths Technology s explctly prohbted from attemptng to extract, remove,decomple, reverse engneer, or dsassemble the Object Code, or n any other way convertthe Object Code nto a human-readable form. U.S. Patent Nos. #5,870,405, #5,826,222,#5,754,974, #5,701,390, #5,715,365, #5,649,050, #5,630,011, #5,581,656, #5,517,511,#5,491,772, #5,247,579, #5,226,084 and #5,195,166.