24SIGNALINGquieT TAlk (qT)/ digiTAl quieT TAlk (dqT)Your dealer may have programmed QT or DQT signaling on your transceiverchannels. A QT tone/ DQT code is a sub-audible tone/code which allows you toignore (not hear) calls from other parties who are using the same channel.When a channel is set up with a QT tone or DQT code, squelch will only openwhen a call containing a matching tone or code is received. Likewise, signals thatyou transmit will only be heard by parties whose QT/ DQT signaling matches yourtransceiver.If a call containing a different tone or code is made on the same channel youare using, squelch will not open and you will not hear the call. This allows youto ignore (not hear) these calls. Although it may seem like you have your ownprivate channel while using QT/ DQT, other parties can still hear your calls if theyset up their transceiver with the same tone or code.■ Operator Selectable Tone (OST)If a key has been programmed with OST, you can reprogram the QT/DQTsettings on each of your channels.1 Select your desired channel.2 Press and hold the key programmed as OST for second.• The icon appears on the display.3 Press the / keys to select your desired tone or code. (Your dealer canset up to 40 tones/codes.)4 Press the key to save your new setting.After selecting and setting up your desired tone or code, the OST function isactivated. When you have finished operating using OST, press the OST key toturn the OST function OFF.