NX-200-K, NX-200-K2, TK-5220-K, TK-5220-K2FCC ID: ALH378400IC: 282D-378400OPERATING BASICSATING BASICS§ Switching Power ON/OFFTurn the Power switch/ Volume control clockwise to switch the transceiver ON.Turn the Power switch/ Volume control counterclockwise to switch the transceiver OFF.§ Adjusting the VolumeRotate the Power switch/ Volume control to adjust the volume.§ Selecting a ChannelPressing [] to select a channel.Pressing [C>] increases the channel number and pressing [§ Making a Call1 Select the desired channel.2 Press the Side1 key (Programmed function Squelch off) to determine whether or not the current channel is beingused.• If the channel is busy, wait until it becomes free.3 Press and hold the PTT switch, then speak into the microphone in your normal voice.• For best results, hold the microphone approximately 3 to 4 cm (1 1/2 inches) from your lips.4 Release the PTT switch to receive.AUXILIARY FEATURES§ Time-out Timer (TOT)The TOT is used to automatically inhibit transmission after a specified time elapse. If the PTT switch is held down forlonger than specified time, the transceiver will stop transmitting and a tone will sound. Release the PTT switch, thenpress it again to continue transmitting.