NX-20042. How to Enter Each ModeMode OperationUser mode Power ONPanel test mode [ ] + Power ONPC mode Received commands from PCPanel tuning mode [Panel test mode] + [ ]Firmware programmingmode [ ] + Power ONClone mode [ ] + Power ONFirmware versioninformation [Side1] + Power ON3. Panel Test ModeSetting method refer to ADJUSTMENT.4. Panel Tuning ModeSetting method refer to ADJUSTMENT.5. PC Mode5-1. PrefaceThe transceiver is programmed by using a personal com-puter, programming interface (KPG-36/36A), USB adapter(KCT-53U) and programming software (KPG-111D).The programming software can be used with a PC orcompatible. Figure 1 shows the setup of a PC for program-ming.MICPCKPG-111DKPG-36 or KPG-36A orKPG-36A + KCT-53UIllustration is KPG-36.KPG-36TransceiverPCD-SUB(25-pin)TransceiverPCKPG-36AD-SUB(9-pin)TransceiverPCKPG-36AKCT-53UUSBFig. 15-2. Connection procedure1. Connect the transceiver to the computer using the inter-face cable and USB adapter (When the interface cable isKPG-36A, the KCT-53U can be used.).Note:• You must install the KCT-53U driver in the computer touse the USB adapter (KCT-53U).• When using the USB adapter (KCT-53U) for the first time,plug the KCT-53U into a USB port on the computer withthe computer power ON.2. When the POWER switch on, user mode can be enteredimmediately. When PC sends command the transceiverenter PC mode, and “PROGRAM” is displayed on theLCD.When data transmitting from transceiver, the red LED islights.When data receiving to transceiver, the green LED islights.Note:The data stored in the computer must match the “ModelName” when it is written into the flash memory.5-3. KPG-36/KPG-36A description(PC programming interface cable: Option)The KPG-36/36A is required to interface the transceiverto the computer. It has a circuit in its D-sub connector (KPG-36: 25-pin, KPG-36A: 9-pin) case that converts the RS-232Clogic level to the TTL level.The KPG-36/36A connects the universal connector of thetransceiver to the RS-232C serial port of the computer.5-4. KCT-53U description (USB adapter: Option)The KCT-53U is a cable which connects the KPG-36A toa USB port on a computer.When using the KCT-53U, install the supplied CD-ROM(with driver software) in the computer. The KCT-53U driverruns under Windows 2000, XP or Vista (32-bit).5-5. Programming software KPG-111D descriptionThe KPG-111D is the programming software for thetransceiver supplied on a CD-ROM. This software runs un-der MS-Windows 2000, XP or Vista (32-bit) on a PC or com-patible machine.The data can be input to or read from the transceiver andedited on the screen. The programmed or edited data canbe printed out. It is also possible to tune the transceiver.6. Firmware Programming Mode6-1. PrefaceFlash memory is mounted on the transceiver. This al-lows the transceiver to be upgraded when new featuresare released in the future. (For details on how to obtain thefi rmware, contact Customer Service.)REALIGNMENT