NX-22051. ModesUser modePanel test mode *1Firmware version information *1Panel tuning mode *1Data programming modePC test mode PC tuning modePC modeClone mode *1Firmwareprogramming modeMode FunctionUser mode For normal use.Panel test mode *1 Used by the dealer to check the funda-mental characteristics.Panel tuning mode *1 Used by the dealer to tune the transceiver.PC mode Used for communication between thetransceiver and PC.Data programmingmodeUsed to read and write frequency data andother features to and from the transceiver.PC test mode Used to check the transceiver using the PC.This feature is included in the FPU.Firmware program-ming modeUsed when changing the main program ofthe fl ash memory.Clone mode *1 Used to transfer programming data fromone transceiver to another.Firmware versioninformation *1Used to confirm the internal firmware ver-sion.*1: K2,K3,E and E2 models only2. How to Enter Each ModeMode OperationUser mode Power ONPanel test mode *2 [ ] + Power ONPC mode Received commands from PCPanel tuning mode *2 [Panel test mode] + [ ]Firmware programming mode [Side1] + Power ONClone mode *2 [ ] + Power ONFirmware version information *2 [ ] + Power ON*2: K2,K3,E and E2 models only3. Panel Test Mode(K2,K3,E and E2 models only)Setting method refer to ADJUSTMENT.4. Panel Tuning Mode(K2,K3,E and E2 models only)Setting method refer to ADJUSTMENT.5. PC Mode5-1. PrefaceThe transceiver is programmed by using a personal com-puter, programming interface (KPG-22A/22U), USB adapter(KCT-53U) and programming software (KPG-141D).The programming software can be used with a PC. Fig-ure 1 shows the setup of a PC for programming.PC KPG-22A or KPG-22A+KCT-53U or KPG-22UKPG-141DTuning cable(E30-3216-05)D-SUB(9-pin)TransceiverKPG-22APCGrayGray/Black1.5D-XV Lead wire1.5D-XV Shield wire+–+–SPMICTransceiver TransceiverUSBKPG-22UPCUSBKPG-22AKCT-53UPCFig. 15-2. Connection procedure1. Connect the transceiver to the computer using the inter-face cable and USB adapter (When the interface cable isKPG-22A, the KCT-53U can be used.).Note:• You must install the KPG-22U driver in the computer touse the USB programming interface cable (KPG-22U).• You must install the KCT-53U driver in the computer touse the USB adapter (KCT-53U).• When using the USB adapter (KCT-53U) for the first time,plug the KCT-53U into a USB port on the computer withthe computer power ON.REALIGNMENT